Are you looking for yes or no questions for your speech therapy activities?
If so you’ve come to the right place with over 253 yes or no questions and free worksheets for speech therapy.
Yes or No Question
Practice yes or no questions with Are Questions, Can Questions, Do / Does Questions, If Questions, and Is Questions.
- Are Questions
- Can Questions
- Do / Does Questions
- If Questions
- Is Questions
ARE: Yes No Questions
Here is a list of are questions to work on yes and no questions for your speech therapy session .
- 1. Are French fries made from potatoes?
- 2. Are there 30 minutes in an hour?
- 3. Are baby cats called kittens?
- 4. Are there 12 months in a year?
- 5. Are clouds in the grass?
- 6. Are flamingos purple?
- 7. Are rainbows in the sky?
- 8. Are groceries free?
- 9. Are chairs for standing on?
- 10. Are giraffes short?
- 12. Are fires cold?
- 13. Are ladders for climbing?
- 14. Are spoons used for digging up weeds?
- 15. Are people born able to walk?
- 16. Are rocks edible?
- 17. Are shoes for your hands?
- 18. Are tigers good pets?
- 19. Are plumbers for fixing broken cars?
- 20. Are necklaces for wearing on your wrist?
- 21. Are pictures a way to save memories?
- 22. Are tacos for eating?
- 23. Are toes used for typing?
- 24. Are umbrellas for protecting you from the rain?
- 25. Are phones for calling people?
- 26. Are rainbows black?
- 27. Are stars in the sky?
- 28. Are dishwashers for cleaning clothes?
- 29. Are elephants pink?
- 30. Are tigers an animal?
- 31. Are refrigerators for storing money?
- 32. Are vegetables healthy?
- 33. Are trash cans for holding trash?
- 34. Are swimsuits for swimming?
- 35. Are foxes insects?
- 36. Are airplanes a form of transportation?
- 37. Are banks for saving turkeys?
- 38. Are spatulas for digging outside?
- 39. Are mittens for keeping your hands warm?
- 40. Are beds for surfing?
- 41. Are fishing polls for catching birds?
- 42. Are barns for fish?
- 43. Are horses for riding?
- 44. Are lawnmowers for cutting hair?
- 45. Are bikes for riding?
- 46. Are sticks for eating?
- 47. Are babies tall?
- 48. Are scissors for cutting paper?
- 49. Are teeth for cutting paper?
- 50. Are dryers for drying clothes?
- 51. Are baby dogs called calves?
CAN: Yes No Questions
Here is a list of can questions to work on yes or no question for your speech therapy session .
- 1. Can birds fly?
- 2. Can a cheetah run fast?
- 3. Can a dog drive a car?
- 4. Can a blanket keep you warm?
- 5. Can giraffes talk?
- 6. Can a frog bark?
- 7. Can a monkey climb a tree?
- 8. Can a person regrow an arm?
- 9. Can a lizard change colors?
- 10. Can a tree walk?
- 12. Can an elephant swim?
- 13. Can scissors cut paper?
- 14. Can birds swim?
- 15. Can a worm fly?
- 16. Can a frog jump?
- 17. Can people eat flowers?
- 18. Can cats jump?
- 19. Can a doctor heal a broken leg?
- 20. Can potatoes grow from a tree?
- 21. Can zebras climb a tree?
- 22. Can a turtle swim?
- 23. Can a sloth run?
- 24. Can a taco shell be made out of corn?
- 25. Can apples grow without a seed?
- 26. Can snakes walk on legs?
- 27. Can pigs fly?
- 28. Can dogs talk?
- 29. Can people float in water?
- 30. Can houses move?
- 31. Can frogs run?
- 32. Can people fly airplanes?
- 33. Can books read?
- 34. Can cats lick their paws?
- 35. Can toasters burn bread?
- 36. Can food make you feel full?
- 37. Can carrots grow in the ground?
- 38. Can ducks say, “quack”?
- 39. Can people laugh?
- 40. Can koalas climb trees?
- 41. Can you cut hair with gum?
- 42. Can parrots talk?
- 43. Can grass grow?
- 44. Can birds bake cookies?
- 45. Can water put out a fire?
- 46. Can you find oranges at a grocery store?
- 47. Can trees grow without sunlight?
- 48. Can dolphins swim in the ocean?
- 49. Can an octopus fly?
- 50. Can a watermelon talk?
- 51. Can a washing machine clean clothes?
DO / DOES: Yes No Questions
Here is a list of do / does questions to work on yes or no question for your speech therapy session .
- 1. Does it snow in the Arctic?
- 2. Do dogs say, “moo”?
- 3. Do elephants wear clothes?
- 4. Do people walk on all four legs?
- 5. Do Eskimos live in an igloo?
- 6. Do eggs come from chickens?
- 7. Do kangaroos carry their babies on their backs?
- 8. Do people have two ears?
- 9. Do birds sing?
- 10. Do bees make flour?
- 12. Do lions live in packs?
- 13. Do dogs climb trees?
- 14. Do oranges grow in the ground?
- 15. Do melons have seeds?
- 16. Does a fish have fur?
- 17. Do sharks live in swimming pools?
- 18. Do lights help you see in the dark?
- 19. Do wolves say, “quack” at the moon?
- 20. Does a zebra have spots?
- 21. Do monkeys live in large families?
- 22. Do penguins fly?
- 23. Do babies cry?
- 24. Do basketball players know how to dribble?
- 25. Does the sun set in the east?
- 26. Do monkeys live in the jungle?
- 27. Do koalas live on boats?
- 28. Do doctors help sick people?
- 29. Do people eat with forks?
- 30. Do toasters make paper?
- 31. Do leaves fall off trees?
- 32. Does the sun rise in the north?
- 33. Does a fish know how to walk?
- 34. Do people eat soup with a spoon?
- 35. Do apples rot if not eaten?
- 36. Do you eat a bananas peel?
- 37. Does a pig say, “woof”?
- 38. Do oranges know how to swim?
- 39. Do skunks live in people’s homes?
- 40. Do coats keep people warm in the cold?
- 41. Do sharks live in bathtubs?
- 42. Does a carrot grow from a tree?
- 43. Do alligators live in swamps?
- 44. Do cats climb trees?
- 45. Do elephants wear shoes?
- 46. Do pumpkins grow from seeds?
- 47. Do skunks smell like flowers?
- 48. Do people wear hats on their heads?
- 49. Do bears eat berries?
- 50. Do goats eat blackberries?
- 51. Do bees have stingers?
IF: Yes No Questions
Here is a list of if questions to work on yes or no question for your speech therapy session .
- 1. If your shoes are too small, should you keep wearing them?
- 2. If you are sick, should you stay home from school?
- 3. If you want to bake cookies, should you cook them in the toaster?
- 4. If a piece of paper rips, could you take it back together?
- 5. If you are lost, should you call for help?
- 6. If you stub your toe, should you go to the emergency room?
- 7. If your car breaks down, should you call a tow truck?
- 8. If you were a sloth, would you move fast?
- 9. If you lost power at night, would you need a flashlight to see?
- 10. If you wanted to bake a cake, would you start the washing machine?
- 12. If you were a baby, could you drive a car?
- 13. If there is a fire, should you call an eye doctor?
- 14. If a cat is sick, should you call a vet?
- 15. If you don’t feel good, should you go for a run?
- 16. If your pencil breaks, should you use gum to put it back together?
- 17. If you’re cold, would you sit by a fire?
- 18. If you were building a house, would you use straw?
- 19. If you ordered flowers, would someone deliver you a turkey?
- 20. If you went on vacation, would you have a dog watch your house?
- 21. If you needed to mail a letter, would you put it in your fireplace?
- 22. If you went to the store, could you but a hair cut?
- 23. If you saw a bear in the wild, would you try to pet it
- 24. If you saw a bear in the wild, would you try to pet it?
- 25. If you went swimming in a pool, would you expect to see a whale?
- 26. If you were a monkey, could you climb trees?
- 27. If today was Monday, would tomorrow be Wednesday?
- 28. If it was -10 degrees outside, should you wear shorts?
- 29. If it is March, would it be summer?
- 30. If you were an elephant, would you know how to swim?
- 31. If you were a frog, would you eat flies?
- 32. If tomorrow is Sunday, would today be Monday?
- 33. If you were going swimming, would you wear pants?
- 34. If you were hungry, would you eat dirt?
- 35. If your clothes were dirty, would you put them in the toaster?
- 36. If you wanted to bake a pizza, would you put it in the oven?
- 37. If you were a dog, would your babies be called puppies?
- 38. If today was Saturday, would it be the weekend?
- 39. If you wanted to wash your hands, should you use soap?
- 40. If your floor was dirty, would you use tape to pick up the dirt?
- 41. If you wanted to exercise, could you go on a hike?
- 42. If you were a pig, would you say, “moo”?
- 43. If you were an octopus, would you live in the ocean?
- 44. If it was spring, would summer be next?
- 45. If it was sunny outside, would you need a raincoat?
- 46. If you were thirsty, would you drink mud?
- 47. If you were a dog, would you have a tail?
- 48. If you were 10 this year, would you be 11 next year?
- 49. If you were a flower, could you talk?
- 50. If you were a basketball, would you bounce?
- 51. If you were a kangaroo, could you jump?
IS: Yes No Questions
Here is a list of is questions to work on yes or no question for your speech therapy session .
- 1. Is the ocean blue?
- 2. Is February in the summer?
- 3. Is a calf a baby cow?
- 4. Is the grass green?
- 5. Is a tongue blue?
- 6. Is 2+3 equal to 18?
- 7. Is a turtle slow?
- 8. Is the sky brown?
- 9. Is a blet used to hold your pants up?
- 10. Is snow white?
- 12. Is a baby the smae size as an adult?
- 13. Is the sun in the sky?
- 14. Is a pool used for swimming?
- 15. Is a whale small?
- 16. Is a sock to keep your nose warm?
- 17. Is a fork used for eating?
- 18. Is a camera used for ordering a pizza?
- 19. Is a bathtub for getting clean?
- 20. Is a fingernail food?
- 21. Is a pencil for cleaning your ears?
- 22. Is a soccer player fast?
- 23. Is the moon in the ocean
- 24. Is a broom for flying?
- 25. Is a tree made of wood?
- 26. Is junk food healthy?
- 27. Is cake a dessert?
- 28. Is a lion a pet?
- 29. Is breakfast after lunch?
- 30. Is a strawberry red?
- 31. Is a log made of wood?
- 32. Is a star in the dirt?
- 33. Is a blueberry for eating?
- 34. Is a calf a baby wolf?
- 35. Is a key for unlocking something?
- 36. Is bird a type of cat?
- 37. Is a baseball for playing volleyball?
- 38. Is a turkey a type of bird?
- 39. Is noon a time?
- 40. Is a tie for wearing on your arm?
- 41. Is a trampoline for jumping?
- 42. Is a vacuum for cleaning dishes?
- 43. Is a shark pink?
- 44. Is a dinosaur small?
- 45. Is a chimpanzee a type of ape?
- 46. Is a baby cat called a puppy?
- 47. Is a pig pink?
- 48. Is a turtle purple?
- 49. Is a grasshopper tall?
- 50. Is a raccoon a good pet?
- 51. Is a seatbelt for your safety?

Conclusion: Yes or No Questions for Speech Therapy
Help your students learn how to answer yes or no questions for speech therapy activities with these fun yes or no question picture cards. Simply open the worksheets in a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader or Kami and have your students use the checkboxes to select the correct answers for your speech therapy session today.

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