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9 Simple Yes or No Questions Speech Therapy Goals + Freebies

Let’s make your yes no questions speech therapy goals easier this year! I’ve gathered 9 of my favorite yes or no question goals all in one place.


Goal Bank

Goal writing is never a fun task of the job. 

Writing IEP after IEP can make you feel stumped when it comes to writing yet another goal. 

Below is a list of yes or no language skills goals hopefully taking the boring work off your plate.

Visual Prompts

Using a visual support, such as pictures when working on answering yes or no questions can be very helpful for our speech delay students. It can be as simple as using a piece of paper that is divided into “yes” and “no”

Verbal Prompt

My little boys are currently 3 years old and I’m always using a verbal prompt of yes or no. 

For example, I will ask a question, such as “Do you want to go to the park, yes or no?” 

Verbal Cues

Keeping with the example from above, I will often place my left palm over towards them to select when saying “yes” and then turn my right palm over towards them to select when saying “no”. 

Sometimes they verbally respond with yes or no and other times they will select which hand they want (left=yes or right=no).

Yes or No IEP Goal Bank

Asking Questions

  1. Given a short story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will ask “yes or no” questions with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Answer Questions

2. Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer “yes or no” questions with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Complete Sentence

3. Given common objects, pictures, or a story, STUDENT will ask yes/no questions (i.e., “Is the boy hurt?”) in a complete sentence with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Social Situation – Social Skills

4. Given a yes/no question concerning social/community settings, STUDENT will correctly answer the yes/no question with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

5. Given social or community settings, STUDENT will ask yes/no questions (i.e., “Are you going to the play today?”) with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.


6. Given a “yes” or “no” question, STUDENT will use facial expressions and head nods or head shakes to answer the question with “yes” or “no” with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Sign Language

7. Given a “yes” or “no” question, STUDENT will use signs to answer the question with “yes” or “no” with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

AAC Devices – Alternative Communication

8. Given a question, STUDENT will express HIS/HER preference selecting “yes or no” using augmentative symbols or device with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

9. Given a time of frustration, STUDENT will independently refuse an undesired item or activity (i.e. “no”) using augmentative symbols or device with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.


Speech Therapy Goals – Objectives

I know every district has different ways it requires their objectives to be written, but typically my district wanted us to reduce either the number required or the percentage of achievement. 

Here are a few examples to help get you started.

If we take a sample goal: 

“Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer 10 “yes or no” questions with 80% accuracy over 3 out of 4 consecutive sessions.”

  • Reduced Number or Trials Required: The objective might be, “Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer 5 “yes or no” questions with 80% accuracy over 3 out of 4 consecutive sessions. 
  • Reduce Percentage of Accuracy: The objective might be, “Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer 10 “yes or no” questions with 70% accuracy over 3 out of 4 consecutive sessions. 
  • Reduce Difficulty of Task: The objective might be, “Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer 5 “yes or no” questions by pointing to the correct pictures with 80% accuracy over 3 out of 4 consecutive sessions. 
  • Reduce Number of Sessions of Accuracy: The objective might be, “Given a story, activity, or classroom discussion, STUDENT will answer 10 “yes or no” questions with 80% accuracy over 2 out of 4 consecutive sessions. 

(Meaning out of 4 therapy sessions in a row. They answered all the yes or no questions correctly 2 out of 4 or 50% of the time in order to mark that goal mastered.)

As speech therapists, you are the specialist and you know your students best though, so just take the goals and simplify them into achievable steps for your specific student.

SEE ALSO: IEP Goal Bank Posts

Wh- Questions

Are you also looking for a wh-questions goal bank? If so, be sure to check out my master list of IEP goals here

This list of smart goals also includes the following language disorders goals:

  • 2-Step Directions – One Step Commands
  • Functional Play Action
  • Language Goals
  • Structured Conversation
  • Personal Space
  • Easy Onset
  • Body Language
  • Articulation (Word Level, Phrase Level, Sentence Level, and Conversation)

These are just a few of the goals listed on this master list of over 432 IEP goals.


SEE ALSO: 432+ Free Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives Bank

Speech Therapy Sessions – Freebie Ideas

Are you in need of additional free yes or no questions activities? If so, I’ve done the searching for you! Simply scroll through to see my finds below.

Yes or No Questions

There are a variety of ways to work on yes or no questions. You can practice yes or no questions with:

  • Are Questions – “Are you 10 years old?”
  • Can Questions – “Can you whistle?”
  • Do / Does Questions – “Do you know her name?”
  • If Questions – “If you had a million dollars, would you have a job?”
  • Is Questions – “Is the sky green?”

Visual Prompts

Here is a Quick Yes-No Communication Cards by Words to Live By if you want simple visual cues for your child or student to use when working on their yes or no communication skills.

Blank Templates

Use these blank templates to work on the targeted word of yes or no when asking or answering questions.

1. Answering Yes/No Questions by Speech Universe has a simple yes/no page that you can use as a simple blank template to have your students practice answering yes or no questions. In addition, she has a couple of pages of yes or no questions to start practicing right away.

2. Question of the Day by Kittens and Classrooms would be perfect to laminate and ask a daily question and then have students use the blank template to write their yes or no answer. 

Parent Guide

Here is a set of yes or no questions that might be helpful for your student’s parents to practice at home or for your classroom teachers to practice in the classroom setting.

3. 253+ Yes or No Questions for speech therapy by Speech Therapy Store is a perfect set of questions to send home for practice to have parents work through the yes or no questions together with their child.


Boom Cards

Use boom cards to work on your child or student’s target skills of asking or answering yes or no questions.

4. Farm Yes No Questions | Speech Therapy | Boom Cards™ by The Multitasking SLP is a great freebie that targets yes/no questions with a fun farm theme! 

5. Life Skills Yes and No Money Questions Printable Task Cards and Boom Cards™by Meaningful Sped Teaching is a great activity that focuses on life and money skills. Students answer yes/no questions as modern technology is reasonably priced, and jobs are done to earn money.

6. Yes No Questions: Fall: Boom Cards by Mrs. Mo’s Modifications with this deck of fall themed yes or no questions.

7. YES/NO Questions Social Situations – Boom Cards Freebie by Social Unicorn has 15 digital task cards that prompts students through social situations where they answer yes or no questions. 

8. Yes/No Questions (simple/concrete) – Boom Cards – Teletherapy-Distance Learning by SLP Lynn is a great resource to practice yes or no questions with teletherapy students! 

9. Yes/No Questions Boom Cards Freebie by Kathy Babineau is a great deck of yes or no cards with a zoo theme!

Personal Questions

Have your student’s work on their language impairments while having a little fun getting to know each other by asking and answering yes or no personal questions.

10. QUESTION A DAY: Personal Questions FREEBIE Pre-K to Kindergarten by More Than Honey Resources is a great set of personal questions with some yes or no targets to practice yes/no! This is geared for pre-k/k. 

11. YES/NO Questions Social Situations – Boom Cards Freebie by Social Unicorn is a set of yes or no questions with a focus on how to handle social situations!

SEE ALSO: 193+ Multiple Meaning Words Grouped by Grade + Free Worksheets

Young Children

Here are some different methods to use with your younger students. 

12. Yes No Questions Worksheets | Speech Therapy Fall Activity FREE by Autism Journey – Angie S. is a fun, fall-themed activity with a focus on yes/no questions. This is great for younger elementary students! 

13. Yes or No Questions Daily Routines Freebie | Speech Therapy by Ms. Toni’s Speech Tools is a great resource to help implement routines in early elementary students! 

14. Birthday Yes No Questions Speech Therapy Worksheets FREE by Autism Journey – Angie S is a fun birthday-themed set of yes/no questions! 

15. Yes/No Questions – Actions Speech Therapy Activity by Mountain Bay Speech Therapy is an interactive tool with animations to practice yes/no questions. 

Task Cards

Using task cards with your special needs students is a great way to work on the simple words yes and no. 

16. FREE Thanksgiving Yes/No Task Cards (AAC) For students with Autism by Laughter and Language is a set of free thanksgiving themed task cards! There are 20 in total.

17. Life Skills Errorless Learning Yes/No Question/Answer Is This Safe Task Cards by Creative Curriculum Connections combines safety related scenarios and prompts students to answer yes/no in how they should respond.

18. FREE Winter Yes/No Task Cards (AAC) For students with Autism by Laughter and Language is a great set of winter themed task cards! 

19. FREE SAMPLES — Yes or No – 130 Task Cards with Real Images – Part 1 & Part 2 by Partshala Learning School is a great resource with 130 task cards!


Picture Scene

Picture scenes are fun visual aids that you can use while asking simple questions. 

20. Yes/No option picture card for ID badge by Paige Blydenburgh is a simple yes/no communication chart to help with communication between teacher and student.

21. Yes or No: Answering questions FREEBIE (Special Education & Autism Resource) by Mrs. P’s Specialties is a set that will help you assess and practice a student’s ability to answer yes/no to basic classroom questions. 

22. Yes No Questions Action Verbs FREE by PlayLearnTeach is a set of free yes/no action cards for students to practice!

Check Out Our 253 Yes No Questions Speech Therapy Freebie Here!


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