What are Tier 2 Vocabulary Words?
Have you found yourself asking, “What is a tier 2 vocabulary word?” If so, then I’ve got you covered in this blog post because we’ll be discussing tier 2 vocabulary words as well as tier 1 words and tier 3 words.
Tier 2 words are words that are high-frequency words that are frequently seen in an academic setting across multiple different subjects.
They are words that are used by native speakers but are more difficult words which makes them words that need to be explicitly taught and learned.
Tier 2 words aren’t used in spoken language as frequently as tier 1 words and therefore can be more challenging to learn for students.
Examples of Tier 2 Words
For example, the words benefit, annual, and afford are all tier 2 words.

What are Tier 1 Vocabulary Words?
On the other hand tier 1 words are extremely common words, such as nouns and verbs that require minimal or no explicit teaching of their meanings.
These basic words are words that most native speakers can acquire simply through their daily experiences, such as reading or an everyday conversation with others.
These high-frequency words are typically root words with no prefix or suffix making their meanings very basic.
Examples of Tier 1 Words
For example, the words red, help, and look are all tier 1 words.
What are Tier 3 Vocabulary Words?
Lastly, tier 3 words are low-frequency words that are used in specific domains.
A specific domain or subject-specific area includes subjects in school, occupations, hobbies, etc.
Tier 3 words are central to a specific subject and should be taught within the context of that subject or domain.
Examples of Tier 3 Words
For example, the words algorithm and absolute value are all in the math content areas for tier 3 words.

Vocabulary Instruction
When thinking about vocabulary development and what academic vocabulary words to teach your students focusing on tier 2 words is a great place to start.
With tier 1 words being common sight words that are frequently learned through daily experiences and with tier 3 words being low-frequency words that are domain specific it would be best to focus on tier 2 words.
Since tier 2 words are still considered high-frequency words unlike tier 3 words and need explicit instruction unlike tier 1 words it makes them the perfect set of academic words to focus on when thinking about which vocabulary words to teach this school year.
Focusing on tier 2 words is also a great idea for English language learners since these words are frequently used across multiple school subjects and different contexts.

SEE ALSO: 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle
Grade Level: List of Tier 2 Vocabulary Words
Here is a list of words by grade level for working on tier 2 vocabulary words. With a high frequency of use tier 2 words make a great academic word list to work through.

Kindergarten: Early Grades
age | giggle | race |
appear | glance | reach |
artist | glossy | relax |
autumn | glow | rotten |
bay | goal | round |
beak | gust | row |
bloom | half | sail |
bumpy | healthy | scene |
burst | herd | scrub |
buzz | hoof | shade |
care | include | shaky |
check | invitation | ship |
chilly | knight | shore |
chore | laundry | silky |
comfort | lazy | sink |
community | leaf | slide |
country | leak | slip |
covered | library | sniff |
cradle | market | soapy |
dangle | melt | sparkle |
decision | miserable | spotted |
delicious | month | spring |
dentist | muddy | stare |
dew | museum | summer |
disappear | note | supplies |
drawer | pace | tangled |
dusty | pair | tent |
edge | patient | tomorrow |
farmer | peaceful | trade |
fear | peck | trunk |
firefly | pilot | warm |
fix | plan | wave |
flipper | pointy | week |
fluffy | polite | wiggle |
follow | pond | winter |
gallop | president | wish |
gentle | protect | yesterday |
giggle | proud | young |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words First Graders
ache | fancy | problem |
adjust | fascinating | promise |
affordable | fasten | protect |
alarm | feast | proud |
alone | filthy | question |
annoy | flat | rapid |
apologize | flee | reminds |
appetite | focus | remove |
applause | fog | repeat |
artistic | footprint | report |
atmosphere | forest | rescue |
attach | freezing | restart |
attention | frustrated | return |
bashful | gather | rhyme |
basket | giant | ripe |
batch | glad | rise |
behave | gleaming | roar |
belong | glum | rough |
bend | grab | rusty |
blink | grateful | scold |
blush | grin | scratch |
bolt | grip | searching |
borrow | groan | seed |
bundle | grumpy | selfish |
cabin | hatch | serious |
caterpillar | heap | shell |
caution | hide | shovel (verb) |
cave | hobby | shriek |
celebrate | honest | sibling |
centaur | howl | silent |
champion | huge | simple |
chat | ignore | slippery |
cheat | illustrator | sly |
chimney | important | sneaky |
comfortable | injury | sob |
compass | instead | special |
complain | investigate | spiral |
conductor | invite | splendid |
consequences | jealous | spotless |
construct | knob | sprinkle |
costume | leader | squirm |
cozy | list | startle |
cranky | listen | steep |
crash | lively | stomped |
creak | loosen | stormy |
croak | lovely | striped |
crowded | mask | suddenly |
cue | measuring | suggestion |
curve | miserable | surprise |
daily | misty | surround |
dainty | modern | switch |
dart | mountain | terrified |
decide | mumble | thick |
decorate | narrow | thunder |
delighted | negative | ticket |
denied | nervous | timid |
deserve | nibbled | transportation |
directions | note | travel |
disappointed | notice | trust |
discover | obey | uncomfortable |
divide | observing | upset |
dodge | opposite | warning |
drenched | ordinary | weed |
drowsy | pain | whimper |
embarrassed | passenger | whirl |
enormous | pattern | wicked |
equal | pest | wonder |
exclaim | polish | worried |
exhausted | positive | yank |
expensive | precious | |
explore | prefer | |
fair | pretend |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Second Grade
accident | dozen | observe |
agree | drowsy | ocean |
amaze | earth | opinion |
amusing | edit | pack |
analyze | effect | pale |
annoy | enemy | parade |
arranged | energy | past |
arrive | enormous | peak |
astronomy | escape | peeking |
atlas | estimate | plan |
attention | evening | planet |
avoid | exactly | poke |
award | excess | predict |
aware | exercise | prefer |
balance | expect | present |
banner | factory | process |
bare | fair | proof |
base | famous | publish |
beach | feast | records |
besides | field | reflect |
blast | finally | revise |
board | flap | rumor |
bounce | float | safe |
brain | flock | scholar |
branch | flood | seal |
brave | fold | search |
bright | fresh | separate |
cage | friendly | settle |
calf | frighten | share |
calm | frown | shelter |
career | fuel | shiver |
cause | gap | shy |
center | gasp | similar |
cheer | gather | skill |
chew | gaze | slight |
classify | gift | smooth |
claw | gravity | soil |
clear | greedy | stack |
cliff | gust | steady |
club | harm | steaming |
collect | helpful | stormy |
community | herd | strand |
conclusion | Idea | stream |
connect | include | sum |
continue | insect | support |
cooperation | insist | suppose |
core | instrument | sway |
corner | invent | swoop |
couple | investigate | team |
crowd | island | telescope |
curious | label | tiny |
cycle | leader | tower |
damp | leaned | travel |
dangerous | leap | treasure |
dash | living | tremble |
data | lizard | universe |
dawn | local | vanish |
deep | lonely | village |
demolish | luxury | volunteer |
describe | march | warn |
design | matter | weak |
detail | mention | wealthy |
diagram | moist | whisper |
difference | motor | wise |
different | necessary | wonder |
discard | nervous | worry |
discover | net | yard |
dive | nibble | zigzag |
dome | non-living | |
doubt | notice |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Third Grade
ability | doze | peer |
absorb | drift | perform |
accuse | effect | persuade |
act | elect | pleasant |
active | elegant | plunge |
actual | enable | prank |
additional | endangered | predator |
adopt | event | predict |
advantage | examine | prevent |
advice | example | primary |
agreeable | experience | privilege |
ambition | explore | process |
ancient | fan | purpose |
approach | fatal | rare |
arctic | fierce | rate |
argue | flexible | recall |
arrange | flutter | recognize |
assist | fortunate | region |
attitude | frail | rely |
attract | furious | remark |
average | gasp | repair |
avoid | gathered | resident |
bold | gist | respect |
border | glide | responsible |
brief | globe | reverse |
brilliant | grace | revive |
cable | gradual | ridiculous |
capture | grasp | risk |
careless | habit | scar |
cause | harsh | scatter |
certain | Imitate | schedule |
chill | individual | sensitive |
clever | infer | shiver |
climate | intelligent | signal |
cling | intend | similar |
coast | invitation | slumber |
compare | irritate | solution |
confess | journey | spoil |
consider | launch | starve |
construct | limit | steer |
contain | locate | struggled |
continent | loyal | stumble |
contrast | magnificent | suitable |
convince | marine | survey |
coward | marsh | swift |
credit | mend | symbol |
crew | method | tackle |
crumple | misery | talent |
culture | moisture | tentacle |
custom | multiply | theory |
dangle | mural | thrill |
decay | mystify | treasure |
deed | nation | triumph |
defend | nectar | typical |
delicate | nervous | unite |
describe | nursery | unusual |
details | observe | value |
develop | occur | vehicle |
device | opponent | vision |
diagram | opposite | volunteer |
digest | ordeal | wander |
disappointed | origin | wisdom |
disease | outcome | wit |
distant | passage | woe |
division | pastime | |
doze | patient | |
drift | pause |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Fourth Grade
accomplish | develop | outstanding |
accurate | difference | passage |
adaptation | disappointed | peculiar |
address | disaster | peer |
afford | disclose | permit |
alert | distract | persuade |
analyze | distress | plead |
ancestor | distribute | plentiful |
annual | dusk | pointless |
apparent | eager | portion |
approached | ease | practice |
appropriate | effective | precious |
arena | eliminate | predict |
argued | entertain | prefer |
arrest | entire | prepare |
ascend | entrance | previous |
assist | envy | proceed |
attempt | essential | purpose |
attentive | estimate | queasy |
attractive | evidence | rarely |
automatically | example | reason |
avoid | except | recent |
awkward | exclaimed | recognize |
baggage | experiment | recommend |
basic | extraordinary | reduce |
benefit | flexible | release |
blend | focus | represent |
blossom | fortunate | request |
border | fragile | resist |
burrow | frantic | response |
calculate | frequent | result |
capable | frontier | reveal |
captivity | furious | routine |
carefree | generosity | scarce |
cause | hail | select |
century | hardship | separate |
chamber | heroic | severe |
circular | host | shabby |
coax | humble | shallow |
column | impact | simplify |
communicate | increase | sole |
compare | indicate | source |
competition | infer | sturdy |
complete | inform | summarize |
concentrate | insert | support |
concern | inspire | surface |
conclude | instant | surround |
confirm | invisible | survive |
confuse | jagged | temporary |
congratulate | lack | terror |
considerable | limb | threat |
content | limp | threatens |
contrast | manufacture | tidy |
contribute | master | tour |
convince | mature | tradition |
crafty | maximum | tragic |
create | meadow | typical |
critical | minimum | usually |
decrease | mistrust | vacant |
defend | mock | valiant |
demonstrate | modest | variety |
descend | noble | vast |
describe | observe | venture |
desire | obvious | weary |
destructive | orchard | |
detail | organized |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Fifth Grade
abolish | endanger | ordinary |
absurd | equivalent | overthrow |
abuse | escalate | pardon |
access | escalate | passage |
accomplish | establish | pasture |
accurate | evade | pedestrian |
achievement | evaluate | perish |
aggressive | evidence | persuade |
alternate | exasperate | petrify |
altitude | excavate | portable |
announce | exert | prefix |
antagonist | exhaust | preserve |
antonym | exhibit | primary |
anxious | expansion | protagonist |
apparent | expectation | provide |
approach | explain | purchase |
approval | express | realistic |
approximate | extend | reassure |
argument | exult | recently |
aroma | familiar | reference |
assume | feeble | reign |
astound | frequent | reliable |
available | frigid | require |
avalanche | gigantic | resemble |
avoid | gist | retain |
banquet | glare | retire |
beverage | gorge | revert |
bland | guardian | review |
blizzard | harsh | revolt |
briskly | hazy | route |
budge | hearty | saunter |
bungle | heroic | scarce |
cautiously | hesitate | seldom |
cease | hilarious | senseless |
challenge | historic | sever |
character | homonym | significant |
claim | horizontal | slither |
combine | hostile | sluggish |
companion | huddle | soar |
compassion | identical | solitary |
compensate | identify | solo |
comply | illegible | source |
compose | illuminate | sparse |
concept | immense | spurt |
conclude | immigrate | strategy |
confident | impressive | suffix |
conflict | independent | suffocate |
consistent | industrious | summarize |
context | influence | summit |
convert | intense | superior |
convince | intercept | suspend |
course | investigate | synonym |
courteous | jubilation | talon |
crave | kin | taunt |
culture | luxurious | tension |
debate | major | thrifty |
decade | miniature | tolerate |
decline | minor | translate |
dedicate | mischief | tremble |
deprive | monarch | tropical |
detect | moral | unexpected |
dictate | myth | unfamiliar |
dissatisfied | narrator | vertical |
document | navigate | visible |
dominate | negative | visual |
drowsy | nonchalant | vivid |
duplicate | numerous | wilderness |
edible | oasis | withdraw |
effortless | obsolete | |
endanger | occasion | |
equivalent | opposed |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Sixth Grade
abandon | domestic | negotiate |
abundant | dominate | obedient |
access | drastic | objective |
accommodate | duration | oblivious |
accumulate | dwell | obstacle |
adapt | eclipse | omniscient |
adequate | economy | onset |
adhere | eerie | optimist |
adjacent | effect | origin |
agony | efficient | originate |
allegiance | elaborate | painstaking |
ambition | eligible | paraphrase |
ample | elude | parody |
analyze | encounter | peculiar |
anguish | encourage | persecute |
anticipate | equation | persuade |
anxious | equivalent | plummet |
apparel | erupt | possess |
appeal | esteem | poverty |
apprehensive | evaluate | precise |
appropriate | evolve | predicament |
arid | exaggerate | predict |
arrogant | excel | prejudice |
artifact | exclude | preliminary |
awe | exhaust | primitive |
barren | expanse | priority |
beacon | exploit | prominent |
beneficial | expression | propel |
benefit | extend | prosecute |
blunder | extensive | prosper |
boisterous | extinct | provoke |
boycott | extract | pursue |
burden | factor | quest |
calculate | ferocious | quote |
campaign | former | realistic |
capacity | formulates | recount |
capital | frequent | refuge |
catastrophe | fuse | reinforce |
chronological | futile | reluctant |
citizen | generate | remorse |
civic | genre | remote |
civilization | genuine | repetition |
clarity | government | resolute |
collaborate | habitat | restrain |
collide | hazardous | retaliate |
commend | history | retrieve |
commentary | hoax | rigorous |
compact | hostile | rural |
compose | hypothesis | salvage |
composure | idiom | sanctuary |
concise | ignite | siege |
conclusion | immense | significant |
congruent | improvises | similar |
consent | inept | solar |
consequence | inevitable | solution |
conserve | influence | soothe |
conspicuous | ingenious | stationary |
constant | innovation | stifle |
construct | insists | strategy |
contaminate | intimidate | strive |
context | irrigate | subordinate |
continuous | jovial | subsequent |
contrast | knack | substitute |
contribute | leeway | superior |
controversy | legislation | supplement |
convenient | leisure | suspense |
cope | liberate | swarm |
cordial | likeness | tangible |
cultivate | linger | tentative |
cumulative | literal | terminate |
declare | loathe | terrain |
deluge | lofty | thesis |
democracy | lure | trait |
dense | majority | transfer |
deplete | makeshift | transform |
deposit | manipulate | transport |
designate | marvel | treacherous |
desperate | massive | unanimous |
deteriorate | maximum | unique |
dialogue | meager | unruly |
diligent | mere | urban |
dimension | migration | vacate |
diminish | mimic | variable |
discretion | minute | verdict |
dissent | monotonous | verge |
dissolve | narrate | vibrant |
distinct | vital | |
diversity | vow |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Seventh Grade
abate | devious | notify |
abdicate | devour | notorious |
abnormal | dishearten | nurture |
abode | dismal | obnoxious |
abrasive | dismantle | omit |
abrupt | distraught | opposition |
accelerate | diversity | oppress |
acclaim | docile | oration |
acknowledge | downright | orthodox |
acquire | drone | overwhelm |
acrid | dumbfound | pamper |
addict | eligible | patronize |
adequate | emblem | peevish |
adjacent | emphasize | pelt |
admonish | endure | pending |
affiliation | ensue | perceive |
affliction | enthrall | perjury |
agitate | epidemic | permanent |
ajar | erode | persist |
akin | estimate | persuasive |
allege | evaluate | perturb |
allocate | exonerated | pique |
alternative | exposition | pluck |
amendment | exuberant | poised |
annihilate | exuberant | ponder |
anonymous | famished | potential |
antagonize | fathom | predatory |
apathy | feud | prediction |
arbitrate | figment | presume |
aspire | firebrand | preview |
astute | flabbergast | prior |
attribute | flagrant | prominent |
authentic | flaw | prospective |
avert | formidable | prowess |
bamboozle | fruitless | punctual |
belligerent | gaudy | quench |
bellow | geography | quote |
beseech | gratify | radiant |
bestow | gravity | random |
bewilder | grim | rant |
bias | grueling | recede |
bigot | gruesome | relinquish |
blatant | haggle | reprimand |
bleak | harass | resolve |
boycott | headlong | resume |
braggart | hilarious | retort |
brawl | homage | robust |
browse | homicide | rudimentary |
bystander | hospitable | rupture |
candid | hurtle | saga |
candor | hybrid | secession |
canine | illiterate | sequel |
canny | impartial | sham |
capricious | impede | shirk |
capsize | implore | signify |
casual | incident | simultaneously |
casualty | incredulous | snare |
catastrophe | indifferent | sovereign |
cater | industrious | species |
cause | inevitable | status |
characterize | infamous | stodgy |
chorus | infuriate | substantial |
chronological | inhabitants | subtle |
citrus | initiate | sullen |
clamber | insinuate | supervise |
climax | intensified | suspense |
compel | intimidate | talisman |
competent | inundate | tamper |
component | irate | tentative |
compromise | irrelevant | throb |
conclusive | lavish | toxic |
concur | legacy | tragedy |
condemn | legendary | treason |
confront | legitimate | trickle |
congested | lethal | trivial |
conjure | liaison | uncertainty |
connotation | libel | unscathed |
consecutive | loath | upright |
consult | ludicrous | urgent |
contrast | lurk | utmost |
copious | magnetic | vengeance |
correspond | magnitude | vicious |
corrupt | mandatory | viewpoint |
counterfeit | maternal | vindictive |
covet | maul | vista |
customary | melancholy | vocation |
dawdle | mellow | void |
debut | mirth | wary |
deceased | mitigate | whim |
deceitful | momentum | wince |
demeanor | mortify | wrath |
dependent | mull | yearn |
derogatory | murky | |
despondent | naive | |
detach | narrate | |
devastate | narrative | |
devious | necessity |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words Eighth Grade
abet | dire | onslaught |
abhor | discern | opposition |
abrasion | disdain | ornate |
accord | disgruntled | ovation |
adept | dispatch | overt |
advocate | disposition | pang |
agile | doctrine | panorama |
allot | dub | perish |
aloof | durable | perspective |
alternative | eccentric | persuasive |
ambiguous | elapse | phenomenon |
amiss | elite | pioneer |
analogy | embargo | pithy |
anarchy | embark | pivotal |
anonymous | encompass | plagiarize |
anthology | encroach | plausible |
antics | endeavor | plunder |
apathy | enhance | porous |
apprehend | enigma | precise |
ardent | epoch | prediction |
articulate | era | preposterous |
assail | eventful | prevalent |
assimilate | evidence | principal |
assumption | evoke | procedure |
atrocity | evolve | prodigy |
attribute | exceptional | proficient |
audacious | excerpt | profound |
augment | excruciating | proprietor |
authority | exemplify | prudent |
avail | exotic | pseudonym |
avid | facilitate | pungent |
awry | fallacy | quote |
balmy | fastidious | rankle |
ban | feasible | rational |
banter | fend | rebel |
barter | ferret | rebuff |
belligerent | flair | rebuke |
benign | flustered | reception |
bisect | focus | recourse |
bizarre | foreboding | recur |
blasé | forfeit | renounce |
bonanza | formidable | renown |
bountiful | formula | resilient |
boycott | fortify | response |
cache | foster | revenue |
capable | gaunt | reverberate |
capacious | generation | rubble |
caption | gingerly | rue |
cause | glut | sage |
characterize | grapple | sedative |
chastise | grope | serene |
chronological | gruesome | servile |
citadel | gullible | shackle |
cite | haggard | significant |
clad | haven | similar |
clarify | heritage | simulate |
colleague | hindrance | simultaneous |
commemorate | hover | sleek |
commence | humane | source |
compels | imminent | specific |
component | impel | spontaneous |
concept | imperative | sporadic |
concise | inaugurate | stamina |
conclude | incense | stance |
confiscate | indifferent | staple |
conjecture | infinite | stint |
connoisseur | instill | strident |
conscientious | institute | sublime |
consecutive | integrate | subside |
conservative | interrogate | succumb |
consistent | intervene | surmise |
conspire | intricate | surpass |
construct | inventive | susceptible |
contagious | inventory | suspense |
contrast | irascible | swelter |
conventional | jurisdiction | tedious |
convey | languish | teem |
corroborate | legendary | theme |
crucial | liberal | theory |
crusade | loll | tirade |
culminate | lucrative | tract |
deceptive | luminous | transition |
decipher | memoir | trepidation |
decree | mercenary | turbulent |
deface | merge | tycoon |
defect | meticulous | ultimate |
depict | mien | ungainly |
deplore | millennium | universal |
deploy | minimize | validate |
derive | modify | variable |
desist | muse | vice versa |
desolate | muster | vie |
despicable | mutiny | vilify |
despondent | narrate | voracious |
deter | novice | wage |
dialect | obsolete | wrangle |

Older Students: Tier 2 Vocabulary Words
Tier 2 Vocabulary Words 9th Grade
absolve | escalate | mortify |
alleviate | evaluate | niche |
alternative | exacerbate | obscure |
ambivalent | excerpt | obsolete |
analyze | exemplify | pacify |
animosity | explicit | perception |
approximate | exposition | perspective |
arbitrary | falter | pertinent |
attribute | feasible | ponder |
beneficial | feign | prevalent |
comprehensive | fluctuate | proponent |
connotation | formulate | punitive |
contrast | generate | rapport |
credible | gist | rationale |
cursory | hypothetical | reconcile |
cynic | impartial | redundant |
dearth | implausible | respective |
deficient | implication | retaliate |
demonstrate | imply | sabotage |
depict | incentive | scrutiny |
derive | incoherent | similar |
detract | indolent | simulate |
devastate | infamous | squander |
digress | infuriate | succumb |
dilemma | innovation | tangible |
diligent | intercede | technique |
dissent | interpret | traumatic |
distort | intimidate | turmoil |
diversion | isolate | valid |
elation | jeopardize | verify |
elicit | lucrative | viable |
escalate | mandatory | vulnerable |
evaluate | mediate |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words 10th Grade
abstract | dormant | panacea |
admonish | egocentric | perfunctory |
advocate | elusive | preposterous |
alternative | emulate | precarious |
ambiguous | equitable | precipitate |
analogy | eradicate | preclude |
anarchy | estrange | proficient |
assiduous | exacerbate | propensity |
assimilate | expedite | qualitative |
augment | fabricate | quantitative |
authentic | facilitate | recalcitrant |
belligerent | fortuitous | redeem |
bolster | fraudulent | rejuvenate |
bureaucratic | heinous | relegate |
circumvent | hypothetical | relinquish |
coalition | illicit | repugnant |
cohesive | imminent | resilient |
collaborate | impetuous | retrospect |
comply | incongruous | sanction |
concurrent | indigenous | spontaneous |
connotation | indiscriminate | static |
constituent | inherent | stringent |
contingent | jurisdiction | subordinate |
criteria | lax | subsidize |
demeanor | meticulous | tenuous |
deplore | negligent | travesty |
derogatory | nonchalant | tumult |
disparity | oblivious | unilateral |
disseminate | obscure | validate |
dissident | omnipotent | vindicate |
distraught | opportune | zealot |
divert | oppose |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words 11th Grade
aberration | conciliatory | incessant |
abstract | contrast | incidental |
accolade | copious | incite |
accommodate | cordial | incorrigible |
aesthetic | dearth | indict |
affinity | debilitate | indoctrinate |
altercation | decadence | insurgent |
ameliorate | deference | intangible |
amicable | delineate | judicious |
anarchy | deprecate | lavish |
anomaly | despot | listless |
appall | devious | meager |
archaic | didactic | meander |
arduous | disparage | negligent |
articulate | dissonance | obliterate |
astute | duplicity | ponderous |
authoritarian | edifice | preclude |
aversion | effervescent | prerequisite |
biased | egregious | proximity |
brevity | elusive | rectify |
cajole | equivocal | rescind |
callous | erroneous | resolution |
capitulate | exemplary | rigorous |
catalyst | expedient | scrutinize |
catharsis | extraneous | substantiate |
caustic | formidable | surmise |
censure | frivolous | tirade |
chastise | grueling | turbulence |
clamor | haphazard | unimpeachable |
coalesce | heretic | unobtrusive |
cognizant | hindrance | usurp |
commiserate | hypocrisy | vacillate |
composure | iconoclast | whimsical |

Tier 2 Vocabulary Words 12th Grade
anachronistic | divergent | perfidious |
abbreviate | empathy | precocious |
abdicate | emulate | pretentious |
abstinence | enervating | procrastinate |
adulation | enhance | prosaic |
adversity | ephemeral | prosperity |
aesthetic | evanescent | provocative |
amicable | exasperation | prudent |
anecdote | exemplary | querulous |
anonymous | extenuating | rancorous |
antagonist | florid | reclusive |
arid | fortuitous | reconciliation |
assiduous | frugal | renovation |
asylum | hackneyed | resilient |
benevolent | haughty | restrained |
camaraderie | hedonist | reverence |
censure | hypothesis | sagacity |
circuitous | impetuous | scrutinize |
clairvoyant | impute | spontaneity |
collaborate | incompatible | spurious |
compassion | inconsequential | submissive |
compromise | inevitable | substantiate |
condescending | integrity | subtle |
conditional | intrepid | superficial |
conformist | intuitive | superfluous |
congregation | jubilation | suppress |
convergence | lobbyist | surreptitious |
deleterious | longevity | tactful |
demagogue | mundane | tenacious |
digression | nonchalant | transient |
diligent | novice | venerable |
discredit | opulent | vindicate |
disdain | orator | wary |
divergent | ostentatious | |
empathy | parched |

Lesson Plans
Again when it comes to vocabulary direct instruction it’s important to focus on the notion of tiers.
The different tiers of words help you decide which type of words to focus on.
There a lot of opportunities to learn tier 1 words simply through conversation and daily life making them less important to focus on and with tier 3 words for more mature language users and used in a specific field of study they are low-frequency words and less important to focus on as well.
That leaves us with tier 2 words as our key words to be focusing on to get our biggest bang for our buck.

SEE ALSO: 179+ Free Speech Therapy Wh Questions Printable
Instruction of Tier 2 Words
I’ve spent the last year creating something very special for my community!
And I’m excited to announce in the month of August 2022 I’ll be releasing my newest tier 2 vocabulary resource.
Here is a sneak peek of what’s coming!
Are you in need of a year group vocabulary lesson plan? Each grade level bundle comes with 100 words giving you 2 pages per week for a 25-week school year lesson plan.
Practice using the vocabulary words in various contexts.
- Say the vocabulary word aloud.
- Write or type the vocabulary word.
- Read the word used in a sentence.
- Identify a synonym and/or antonym.
- Select the correct definition.
- Fill in the blank using your vocabulary word.
- Use the word in a sentence using the given real-life photos.
- Highlight the context clue.
- Select the correct definition based on the context clues given.
- Answering questions about your new vocabulary word.
The best part is practicing the vocabulary words in various ways from saying the word aloud, to selecting the correct answer, to creating your own definitions, to selecting the correct definition based on the context clues.

Tier 2 Vocabulary List PDF
Fill out the form below to grab your copy of tier 2 academic vocabulary words for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Looking for another fun idea? Create a grade-level word wall with your new words!

Frequently Asked Questions: Tier 2 Vocabulary Words
How do You Know if a Word is Tier 2?
Tier 2 words are words that are of high frequency that are used across a variety of contexts and are not domain or topic specific.
What is the Difference Between Tier 2 and Tier 3 Words?
Tier 2 words are high-frequency words that can be used across multiple different subjects or topics while tier 3 words are low-frequency words and are domain specific. For example, infer and form are both tier 2 words while lava and DNA are both tier 3 words.
SEE ALSO: 193+ Multiple Meaning Words Grouped by Grade + Free Worksheets

How Do you Teach Tier Two Words?
Practice using the vocabulary words in various contexts.
- Say the vocabulary word aloud.
- Write or type the vocabulary word.
- Read the word used in a sentence.
- Identify a synonym and/or antonym.
- Select the correct definition.
- Fill in the blank using your vocabulary word.
- Use the word in a sentence using the given real-life photos.
- Highlight the context clue.
- Select the correct definition based on the context clues given.
- Answering questions about your new vocabulary word.
Is Rainbow a Tier 2 Word?
Even though the word rainbow is a common word frequently used in conversation and might be thought to be a tier 1 word it is also a domain-specific word and used to understand and describe a specific topic, therefore, it is considered a tier 3 word.
What is a Tier 3 Vocabulary Word?
Tier 3 words are those low-frequency words that are used in a specific domain or subject-specific area including subjects in school, occupations, hobbies, etc.
They are specialized words that are used in a specific domain and only have one meaning.
For example, the words algorithm and absolute value are all math-specific tier 3 words.

Fill out the Form Below to Get Your Free Copy!
Want Even More Language Skills Resources?
- 17 Best Vocabulary Goals + Free PDF Activities
- 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle
- 179+ Free Speech Therapy WH Questions Printable
- 133+ Categories List for Speech Therapy
- 33 Most Common Irregular Plurals Flashcards [Freebie]
Want the Best of the Bests?
Be sure to check out our most popular posts below!
- 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy / Teletherapy
- Best IEP Resources
- 71+ Free Social Problem-Solving Scenarios
- 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle
- 432+ Free Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives Bank
- 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials
- 179+ Free Speech Therapy Wh-Questions Printable
Friday 10th of February 2023
Request grade levels 6 thru 12
Melissa Berg
Monday 13th of February 2023
Hi Gail, Thanks so much for reaching out! This post does include grades 6th-12th. I'm wondering if you're asking about my paid vocabulary product. Currently, my paid product includes grades K-6th. Wishing you all my best, Melissa
Ashley Dawkins
Tuesday 8th of November 2022
Do you have a complete PDF for each Core Vocabulary Tier?
Melissa Berg
Wednesday 9th of November 2022
Hi Ashley, I don't have a PDF for the individual Tiers. However, at the end of this post, I have a PDF of the Tier 2 words. Wishing you all my best, Melissa
Tuesday 4th of October 2022
Hi! This resource is great. I was wondering where you got these tier 2 vocabulary from. Thank you.
Melissa Berg
Wednesday 5th of October 2022
Hi Victoria, Great question! I wish there was one perfect source out there to give you, but the list was largely made from a combination of curriculum vocabulary words I got from working in the schools, which I then cross-referenced with grade-level standards and the below list of resources. Of course, the number of words I could have listed is quite large (especially for the later grades). So when created my product of 100 words per grade there was some degree of personal choice in the list where I chose words that I felt were most applicable to the academic setting. In other words, tier 2 words the students would most frequently use in an academic setting.
Here are a list of sources I used: The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts. The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English (the General Service List), thus making it specific to academic contexts. The AWL was primarily made so that it could be used by teachers as part of a programme preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working alone to learn the words most needed to study at colleges and universities. The 570 words are divided into 10 sublists. The sublists are ordered such that the words in the first sublist are the most frequent words and those in the last sublist are the least frequent. Beck, Isabel L., McKeown, Margaret G., and Kucan, Linda. (2002). Bringing words to life. New York, NY: The Guilford Press Coxhead, Averil and Nation, Paul (2001) 'The Specialised Vocabulary of English for Academic Purposes'. In Flowerdew, J. and Peacock, M. Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Coxhead, Averil (2000) A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly, 34(2): 213-238. Marzano, R. J. (2010). Teaching basic and advanced vocabulary: A framework for direct instruction. Boston: Heinle-Cengage. Marzano, R. J. & Pickering, D. J. (2005). Building Academic Vocabulary (Teacher’s Manual). ASCD Montgomery, Judy K. (2008). MAVA-Montgomery assessment of vocabulary acquisition. Greenville, South Carolina: Super Duper Publications, Inc. Montgomery, Judy K. (2007). Vocabulary Intervention for RTI: Tiers 1, 2, 3 Retrieved October 28, 2008, VOCABULARY INTERVENTIONS FOR RTI: TIERS 1, 2, 3 https://www.marzanoresources.com/reproducibles/vocab-common-core/ Select: Source List for Terms (must sign in to access list)
All my best, Melissa
Wednesday 21st of September 2022
Hi. Is there a way to obtain a complete PDF list of your 2000 + Core Tier 2 Vocabulary Words, complete from level K through 12?
Melissa Berg
Thursday 22nd of September 2022
Hi Monica, Yes, there is a PDF with a list of all the words. At the end of this post, there is a form for your name and email address. Simply fill in that form so the freebie can be emailed directly to your inbox. All my best, Melissa