Calling all Speech-Language Pathologists and parents working on the medial s sound this blog post is just what you need! It has over 190 medial s words for speech therapy that will help strengthen your child or student’s /s/ sound.
Minimal Pairs – Articulation Therapy
Initial Sound and Final Sound
A great way to work on sound production is through minimal pairs.
A minimal pair is two words that differ by only one phoneme, such as the initial /s/ sound and the final s sound.
- Initial S: For example, “sea” and “she”.
- Final S: For example, “lace” and “late”.
When you pronounce these words side by side, it’s easy to hear the significant differences in the initial and final sounds.
Having a list of initial s words and final s words minimal pairs is a great way to work on the correct production of the s sound!
Sound Production
- Tongue Tip: The correct production of the /s/ medial sound in the English language is made by lightly placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of the mouth on the alveolar ridge right behind your upper front teeth.
- Middle of the Tongue: Be sure to place the sides of the tongue against the upper side of your teeth to allow for the passage of air to go down the center of the tongue.
- Air: Then while smiling blow a skinny stream of air over the center of the tongue (you do not want the air to come out the sides of the tongue).
- Lateral Lisp: A lateral lisp or lateral distortions happens when air escapes out the sides of your teeth. To help reduce a lateral lisp encourage your client or student to place the sides of their tongue against the upper side of their teeth to allow the passage of air to go down the center of the tongue instead of out the sides of the teeth. The lateral lisp sounds like a “slushy” s sound.
- Interdental Lisp or Frontal Lisp: An interdental lisp or frontal lisp happens when the tongue protrudes between the front teeth. This causes the s and z sound to be produced as the /th/ sound. The word ‘sleep’ is then produced as ‘theep’.
Phonological Processes
A phonological disorder is when a child’s speech makes multiple similar sound errors.
Be sure to consult with a certified special education Speech Pathologist if your child is experiencing a phonological speech disorder.
Target Words
Here’s a list of medial s articulation sounds for you to use in therapy or at home practice to work on your student or child’s new skill.
- For Example: dancer, pencil, basketball, eraser, gasoline, popsicle, dinosaur, fossil, dresser, listen, muscle, lesson, bracelet, monster, possum
See full list of words, phrases, and sentences below.
If you don’t have a lot of time then be sure to grab my one page freebie of medial s speech sounds plus real-life picture cards below. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post and grab your free copy!
Word Positions: Medial S Words Speech Therapy
Initial Position of Words
The initial sound is at the beginning of a word. For example, “soap” or “sad”.
Medial Position of Words
Some words have the s sound in the medial position of a word, such as “bicycle”, “castle”, and “baseball”.
Final Position of Words
The final positions of words are when the target sound is at the end of a word. For example, “fence” or “bus”.
Medial S at Word Level
Some ways to practice include having your child or student say each medial /s/ word one by one as they go through a list.
Using a dot marker can also be a fun way to practice having your child put a dot under each medial s sound.
In addition, I’ve compiled an easy-to-download one page overview of medial s sounds below. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and download your free copy.
- 1 Syllable: ask, crossed, mist, waster, taste, blessed, dressed, paste, based, haste, mask, fast, past
- 2 Syllable: Christmas, monster, Christian, Jason, pasta, message, sausage, lobster, crystal, whisper, blessings, oasis, Mason, Houston, Rasta, missing, plastic, nasty, hipster, cursive, outside, lessons, tasty, blossom, disco, Versace, monsoon, Casey, Tyson, hamster, whistle, coaster, misty, bison, landscape, mustard, basic, upset, rooster, missle, consent, prosper, chasing, console, fluster, corsage, onset, herself, toaster, booster, parsley, bossy, husky, rusty, landslide, classroom, messy, sissy, pensive, crossword, capsule, nursing, fussy, Webster, dresser, blister, himself, kissing, dresses, seaside, thistle, dresser, baseball, listen, messy, muscle, glasses, pencil, recess, princess, braces, dancer, fossil, beside, racing, faucet, decide, eyesight, guessing, lesson, receipt, sister, castle, message, recycle, forsake, basis, classmate, classic, dusty, passage, capsize, hissing, essay, locksmith
- 3 Syllable: awesome, Jessica, whimsical, Shakespeare, injustice, elastic, abusive, obsession, telescope, varsity, density, counselor, episode, celsius, recession, logistics, crossover, freestyle, defenseless, limestone, purposeless, assistant, dinosaur, medicine, pacifier, bracelet, December, bicycle, popsicle, eraser, policeman, disagree, disobey, gasoline, officer, principal, recycle, grasshopper, opossum, masquerade
- 4 Syllable: necessary, accessories, obesity, lifestyle, babysitter, motorcycle, capacity, impossible, jealousy, Minnesota, participate, undecided, velocity, presidency, unicycle, potassium, capacity
- 5 Syllable: deforestation, administrator, antihistamine, association, curiosity, electricity, accuracy, classification, disobedient, prescription, unnecessary
Medial S Flash Cards
Medial S Words Speech Therapy
1 Syllable | 2 Syllable |
ask | Christmas |
crossed | monster |
mist | Christian |
waste | Jason |
taste | pasta |
blessed | message |
dressed | sausage |
paste | lobster |
based | crystal |
haste | whisper |
mask | blessings |
fast | oasis |
past | mason |
Houston | |
Rasta | |
missing | |
plastic | |
nasty | |
hipster | |
cursive | |
outside | |
lessons | |
tasty | |
blossom | |
disco | |
Versace | |
monsoon | |
Casey | |
Tyson | |
hamster | |
whistle | |
coaster | |
misty | |
bison | |
landscape | |
mustard | |
basic | |
upset | |
rooster | |
missile | |
consent | |
prosper | |
chasing | |
console | |
fluster | |
corsage | |
onset | |
herself | |
toaster | |
booster | |
parsley | |
bossy | |
husky | |
rusty | |
landslide | |
classroom | |
messy | |
sissy | |
pensive | |
crossword | |
capsule | |
nursing | |
fussy | |
webster | |
dresser | |
blister | |
himself | |
kissing | |
dresses | |
seaside | |
thistle | |
dresser | |
baseball | |
listen | |
messy | |
muscle | |
glasses | |
pencil | |
recess | |
princess | |
braces | |
dancer | |
fossil | |
beside | |
racing | |
faucet | |
decide | |
eyesight | |
guessing | |
lesson | |
receipt | |
sister | |
castle | |
message | |
recycle | |
forsake | |
basis | |
classmate | |
classic | |
dusty | |
passage | |
capsize | |
hissing | |
essay | |
locksmith |
3 Syllable | 4 Syllable | 5 Syllable |
awesome | necessary | deforestation |
Jessica | accessories | administrator |
whimsical | obesity | antihistamine |
Shakespeare | lifestyle | association |
injustice | babysitter | curiosity |
elastic | motorcycle | electricity |
abusive | capacity | accuracy |
obsession | impossible | classification |
telescope | jealousy | disobedient |
varsity | Minnesota | prescription |
density | participate | unnecessary |
counselor | undecided | |
episode | velocity | |
celsius | presidency | |
recession | unicylce | |
logistics | potassium | |
crossover | capacity | |
freestyle | ||
defenseless | ||
limestone | ||
purposeless | ||
assistant | ||
dinosaur | ||
medicine | ||
pacifier | ||
bracelet | ||
December | ||
bicycle | ||
popsicle | ||
eraser | ||
policeman | ||
disagree | ||
disobey | ||
gasoline | ||
officer | ||
principal | ||
recycle | ||
grasshopper | ||
opossum | ||
masquerade |
SEE ALSO: 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy
Short Sentences or Phrases
When working on medial s sound production, it’s important to work on short phrases once your child or student has mastered the sound at the word level at or near 80% or higher accuracy.
Here is a list of medial s word phrases to try:
Medial S Words Speech Therapy in Phrases
1 Syllable | 2 Syllable |
ask your mom | Christmas morning |
crossed the bridge | monster with one eye |
mist falls | Christian clapped |
waste bucket | Jason waved |
taste yummy | love to eat pasta |
blessed girl | message me |
dressed up | sausage and gravy |
put paste on | lobster crawled |
based on facts | crystal rock |
with haste | whisper in here |
cat mask | blessings before they eat |
fast car | tropical oasis |
in the past | mason by trade |
trip to Houston | |
Rasta man | |
missing dog | |
plastic cup | |
nasty cough | |
hipster music | |
cursive writing | |
raining outside | |
learning her lessons | |
tasty cupcakes | |
flower will blossom | |
disco party | |
Versace purse | |
monsoon season | |
Casey smiled | |
Tyson kicked | |
hamster wheel | |
whistle loudly | |
roller coaster | |
misty morning | |
bison stands | |
beautiful landscape | |
mustard stain | |
basic white t-shirt | |
upset him | |
rooster crowed | |
missile in the museum | |
consent form | |
prosper with his new job | |
chasing cats | |
console her | |
feeling flustered | |
gave her a corsage | |
onset of symptoms | |
believes in herself | |
toaster oven | |
booster seat | |
parsley plant | |
bossy girl | |
husky played | |
rusty car | |
landslide was dangerous | |
clean classroom | |
messy bedroom | |
sissy loves her brother | |
pensive look | |
crossword puzzle | |
time capsule | |
nursing student | |
fussy baby | |
webster dictionary | |
new dresser | |
blister on heel | |
feels like himself | |
kissing booth | |
five dresses | |
seaside home | |
thistle brush | |
baseball game | |
listen closely | |
messy room | |
big muscles | |
new glasses | |
pencil sharpener | |
recess is 30 min | |
princess dress | |
has braces | |
professional dancer | |
digging for a fossil | |
beside her | |
racing horse | |
faucet drips | |
decide tomorrow | |
good eyesight | |
guessing game | |
math lesson | |
takes the receipt | |
have a sister | |
castle on a hill | |
recycle your cans | |
forsake the idea | |
on what basis | |
good classmate | |
classic music | |
dusty dresser | |
secret passage | |
boat might capsize | |
hissing sound | |
wrote an essay | |
locksmith job |
3 Syllable | 4 Syllable | 5 Syllable |
awesome game | necessary info | rainforest deforestation |
Jessica laughed | hair accessories | administrator meeting |
whimsical look | obesity chart | antihistamine helped her |
Shakespeare festival | healthy lifestyle | school association |
injustice has occurred | babysitter called | filled with curiosity |
elastic hair tie | new motorcycle | electricity turns on |
abusive situation | at capacity | he has accuracy |
obsession with plants | it is impossible | classification of animals |
uses a telescope | feels jealousy | disobedient dog |
varsity team | Minnesota is cold | prescription from doctor |
bone density | participate in sports | unnecessary information |
counselor advised | she is undecided | |
episode 8 | fast velocity | |
0 degrees Celsius | ran for presidency | |
there was a recession | rides a unicycle | |
studies logistics | potassium is a mineral | |
crossover from the other state | ||
freestyle dance | ||
defenseless position | ||
limestone porch | ||
purposeless job | ||
assistant to the CEO | ||
green dinosaur | ||
medicine cabinet | ||
baby has a pacifier | ||
makes a bracelet | ||
December is cold | ||
rides a bicycle | ||
cherry popsicle | ||
uses his eraser | ||
policeman helped | ||
disagree with you | ||
sometimes will disobey | ||
gasoline prices | ||
officer in charge | ||
the principal called me over | ||
grasshopper hopped | ||
opossum ran | ||
masquerade ball |
Sentence Level: Medial S Words Speech Therapy
The next step after working at the word and phrase levels are to work on the medial s sound at the sentence level.
For example, you could give your child or student a list of sentences to read aloud while they work on their medial s sound.
Another idea would be to give your child or student pictures with their medial s sound in them and then have them create a sentence about those pictures.
Below is a list of sentences to use with your child or students.
Medial S Words Speech Therapy in Sentence
1 Syllable | 2 Syllable |
Ask your mom first. | It feels like Christmas morning. |
They crossed the bridge. | He drew a monster with one eye. |
The mist falls around the waterfall. | Christian clapped for his friends. |
Throw that in the waste bucket. | Jason waved at his mom. |
This cake pop tastes yummy. | They love to eat pasta. |
She feels like a blessed girl. | Please message me when you’re done. |
They like to get dressed up. | I ate sausage and eggs for breakfast. |
Put the paste on the toothbrush. | The lobster crawled on the ocean floor. |
She makes her decision based on facts. | The crystal rock has a purple hue. |
They run to each other with haste. | We have to whisper in here. |
He will forsake the idea. | They said their blessings before they eat. |
He asked what the basis for the terms were. | The tropical oasis might turn into a hurricane. |
He is a good classmate. | He is a mason by trade. |
They listen to classic music. | They took a trip to Houston. |
The dusty dresser needs to be cleaned. | The Rasta man shared his beliefs. |
The bookcase is actually a secret passage. | The missing dog was found. |
The boat might capsize. | The plastic cup is red. |
Snakes make a hissing sound. | She covers her nasty cough. |
He wrote an essay. | They listen to hipster music. |
The locksmith did a good job. | He practices his cursive writing. |
She wears a cat mask with her costume. | It is raining outside. |
I’ve got a fast car. | She is learning her lessons. |
He made a decision in the past. | These are tasty cupcakes! |
The pink flower will blossom soon. | |
He is throwing a disco party. | |
She has a Versace purse. | |
It is monsoon season. | |
Casey smiled at her friends. | |
Tyson kicked the soccer ball. | |
The hamster plays in its wheel. | |
The referee whistles loudly. | |
They love to ride roller coasters. | |
It is misty this morning. | |
The bison stands in the field. | |
This is a beautiful landscape. | |
He has a mustard stain on his shirt. | |
She wears a basic white t-shirt. | |
The news upset him. | |
The rooster crowed early this morning. | |
They saw an old missile in the museum. | |
Her mom signed the consent form. | |
He will prosper in his new job. | |
The dog is chasing cats. | |
He tries to console her. | |
She is feeling flustered. | |
He gave her a corsage. | |
The onset of symptoms started yesterday. | |
She believes in herself. | |
I got a new toaster oven. | |
He puts the toddler in a booster seat. | |
She has a parsley plant. | |
The bossy girl has leadership skills. | |
The husky played in the snow. | |
The old car is rusty. | |
The landslide was dangerous. | |
The clean classroom is organized. | |
She goes to clean her messy bedroom. | |
The sissy loves her little brother. | |
He has a pensive look. | |
He just finished the crossword puzzle. | |
They put notes in a time capsule. | |
The nursing student studies for her test. | |
The fussy baby is comforted by her mom. | |
I looked up a word in webster’s dictionary. | |
I got a new dresser for my room. | |
I have a blister on my heel. | |
He feels like himself again. | |
There is a kissing booth at the carnival. | |
I have five dresses. | |
They love their seaside home. | |
He clears the thistle brush. | |
We got to a baseball game. | |
Please listen closely. | |
This is a messy room. | |
He has big muscles in his arms. | |
I got new glasses. | |
The pencil sharpener is broken. | |
Recess is 30 minutes long. | |
She loves to wear her princess dress. | |
He has braces. | |
She is a professional dancer. | |
We are digging for a fossil. | |
He stands beside her. | |
The racing horse wins. | |
The broken faucet drips. | |
I will decide tomorrow. | |
She has good eyesight. | |
This is a guessing game. | |
I focused on the math lesson. | |
He takes the receipt. | |
I have a sister and 2 brothers. | |
There is a castle on a hill. | |
Do not forget to recycle your cans. | |
He will forsake the idea. | |
He asked what the basis for the terms are. | |
He is a good classmate. | |
They listen to classic music. | |
The dusty dresser needs to be cleaned. | |
The bookcase is actually a secret passage. | |
The boat might capsize. | |
Snakes make a hissing sound. | |
He wrote an essay. |
3 Syllable | 4 Syllable | 5 Syllable |
This is an awesome game. | I give him the necessary info. | Rainforest deforestation is a problem. |
Jessica laughed at the joke. | She has lots of hair accessories. | She was late to the administrator meeting. |
The dress has a whimsical look. | We studied the obesity chart. | Antihistamine helped her allergies. |
The Shakespeare festival is next week. | We live a healthy lifestyle. | The school association has been verified. |
An injustice has occurred in our town. | The babysitter called and canceled. | He is filled with curiosity. |
I lost my elastic hair tie. | He has a new motorcycle. | The electricity turns on the lights. |
He left the abusive situation. | The room is at capacity. | He has accuracy and precision. |
She has an obsession with plants. | It is impossible to do that. | He starts the classification of animals. |
He uses a telescope. | Fear and jealousy are both emotions. | The disobedient dog cowers down. |
She made the varsity team. | Minnesota is cold. | He got a prescription from the doctor. |
She is losing bone density. | He loves to participate in sports. | This is unnecessary information. |
My counselor advised me of my options. | She is undecided. | |
I am on episode 8. | It moves at a fast velocity. | |
It is 0 degrees celsius outside. | She ran for presidency. | |
There was a recession 5 years ago. | My uncle rides a unicycle. | |
He studies logistics. | Potassium is a mineral. | |
I will crossover from the other state. | ||
He performs a freestyle dance. | ||
He is left in a defenseless position. | ||
They make a limestone porch. | ||
His purposeless job has long hours. | ||
She is an assistant to the CEO. | ||
He has a green dinosaur toy. | ||
I open the medicine cabinet. | ||
The baby has a pacifier. | ||
She makes a bracelet. | ||
December is cold. | ||
He rides a bicycle. | ||
My favorite treat is a cherry popsicle. | ||
The kid uses his eraser. | ||
The policeman helped the situation. | ||
I disagree with you. | ||
The dog sometimes will disobey. | ||
The gasoline prices are going up. | ||
I asked to speak to the officer in charge. | ||
The principal called me over to his office. | ||
The grasshopper hopped through the grass. | ||
A opossum ran across the street. | ||
I will go to the masquerade ball. |
SEE ALSO: Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy
Medial S Words Speech Therapy Ideas
S Blend
If you’re in need of s blends be sure to check out my following posts with interactive flash cards and free printables.
- Initial S Blends – 213+ initial S blends plus real-life photos for extra practice.
- SM-Blends – 63+ initial SM blends plus comes with a free PDF and interactive flashcards.
- SN-Blends – 65+ initial SN blends plus comes with a free PDF and interactive flashcards.
- ST-Blends – 90+ initial ST blends plus comes with a free PDF and interactive flashcards.
Articulation Sounds
Do you have students working on other articulation sounds?
Be sure to check out my speech-language pathology articulation posts with interactive flash cards and free printables for the following sounds in the initial medial final word position to help plan your therapy!
More are being added all the time so be sure to check back regularly!
Board Game
Are you looking to add some fun and engaging activities to your articulation practice?
Board games are a great way to reinforce practice while working on your students’ speech sound disorders.
Some fan favorite board games to try are: Connect Four, Candyland, or Break the Ice to name a few.
Challenge Games
If you have students who love challenge games be sure to check out this list below for some fun ideas.
- Medial /s/ by Cathy Mears is a set of fun drilling games including bingo and flashcards for students to practice medial /s/.
- Artic – /s/ all positions PICTURES no /s/-blends by Mrs. Ramsay is a set of games on quia that helps promote multiple repetitions of the medial /s/ sound. These are easy to load and play!
- Arctic /s/ Words by Ms. Weaver is an interactive set of challenge computer games to help students practice medial s articulation!
Boom Cards
Boom cards are another fun and engaging way to strengthen your child or student’s articulation skills.
Here are a few favorite boom cards to work on the medial S sound:
- Build a Sundae Initial Medial and Final S BOOM CARDS Distance Learning by Pep Talk is a highly rated and interactive game where students can practice s articulation in all positions!
- BOOM CARDS – Articulation – Build A Fishbowl FREEBIE by H Groom Speech Therapy is a fun game to play with students! Build a Fishbowl while practicing multiple medial sounds including medial /s/.
- S Articulation & Vocabulary | BOOM CARDS™ | Speech | FREEBIE | Teletherapy by Upstate SLP is a great set of boom cards that cover articulation of /s/ in all positions! This deck also targets vocabulary skills!
SEE ALSO: 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials
Auditory Bombardment
Another way to work on articulation practice of the medial s sound production is through auditory bombardment.
Auditory bombardment is a term used to describe the process of providing a student with an abundance of listening opportunities to hear their target sound.
This can be done in a variety of ways such as through listening activities, songs, stories, and more.
Here are a few auditory bombardment activities to work on the medial s sound:
- Minimal Pairs s/z by Speechie Yazmin is a great resource to use for students to distinguish between /s/ and /z/ in all positions.
- Articulation War Plus – S sound by Snowflake Speech is a fun game to play with students that has multiple repetitions of medial /s/ for students to listen and learn for articulation practice.
Word Search
If you’re in need of a no-prep grab and go lesson plan you’ll want to check out these fun word search activities filled with medial s practice words.
- S Medial Words – Articulation Therapy FREEBIE (Print & Go) by SLP Smart – Eli Lowham is a fun set of words for students to search through a find medial s, as well as other s articulation examples.
- S Articulation Word Lists: Word Level – Initial, Medial, Final by SO Simply SLP is a no prep drill worksheet with different activities for students to practice /s/ in all positions.
- FREE Halloween Articulation Word Searches: S Blends by The Speech Spot Creations is a halloween/fall themed resource to practice s in all positions using word finds and color by sound!
Language Development
If you have some students working on medial s and language skills here are a few resources to work on articulation therapy and language therapy.
- FREE S Articulation Short Stories, Lateral Frontal Lisp Sounds, Speech Therapy by Shine Speech Activities is a set of short stories that target s articulation. There are 5 included stories!
- Whack A Sound /S/ { FREEBIE}: Self Checking Articulation Game by Jenna Rayburn Kirk is a self checking articulation game for students to practice using S sounds, including medial s.
- Articulation Joke Cards: /s/ Freebie by Speech between Snuggles is a fun resource that uses jokes as a way to incorporate medial s articulation into language development.
In Conclusion: Medial S Words Speech Therapy
If you’re a parent or speech therapist I hope you have found this article helpful for working on your child or student’s medial s sound.
Be sure to grab your freebie of 20 words to start practicing 5 minutes a day.
Cheers, to taking the hard work off your plate and having made for you resources!
Grab Your Free Medial S Word List with Pictures Here!
Simply enter your name and email to have this free Medial S words list with pictures emailed directly to your inbox!
Want Even More Medial S Words Speech Therapy?
- 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy
- 261+ Free Ideas for Digital Therapy
- 917+ Best Free Boom Cards for Speech Therapy
- 11 Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy
- Best Free Interactive PDF for Speech Therapy All-in-One
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