Do you wish you had easier access to a fun categories game to play this year? Well, look no further because I’ve created a concentration game free printable broken up into 4 different grade levels to make your therapy planning a breeze. Plus I’ve gathered over 141 categories for concentration so you can be your very own game maker.
In keeping with my preferred method of using real photos, I hope you enjoy the new look of these 4 free printables.

List of Categories – Concentration Categories
Ready to start practicing or simply in need of a category list of items to get started? The following categories are broken up by Beginner Level, Early Elementary Level, Late Elementary, and Middle/High School Level.
Fun Fact: Feel free to use these category lists to play a game of scattegories.
Beginner Level – Categories for Concentration Game
This list of different categories is a great list of target words for Kindergarten and 1st grade.

Animals | Birds | Body Parts | Colored Items (Blue) |
Colored Items (Green) | Colored Items (Red) | Colored Items (Yellow) | Days of the Week |
Desserts | Farm Animals | Foods | Fruits |
Letter of the Alphabet | Numbers | Relatives | Shapes |
Sounds | Things with Buttons | Things you Turn on/off | Toys |
Vegetables | Wild Animals | Words | Zoo Animals |

Early Elementary Level – Concentration Game Categories
This is a perfect list of groups of items to practice categories for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade.

Classroom Objects | Clothing | Colors | Colored Items (Orange) |
Condiments | Ocean Animals | Drinks | Electronic Goods |
Emotions | First Names | Jobs | Kitchen Utensils |
Meats | Months | Musical Instruments | Names for a Dog |
Nicknames | Pets | Places to Eat | Planets |
Reptiles | School Subjects | Sports / Games | Television |
Things at the Beach | Things with Pockets | Things with Wheels | Tools |
Types of Transportation | Types of Breakfast | Ways to Exercise | Weather |
School Supplies | Jungle Animals | Rooms of the House | Ice Cream |

SEE ALSO: 133+ Categories List for Speech Therapy
Late Elementary Level – Concentration Game Topics
Here is a list of items to practice categories for 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade.

Bathroom Items | Bedroom Items | Buildings | Cars |
Comic Book Heros | Dairy Foods | Famous Athletes | Fast Food |
Furniture | Habitats | Holidays & Celebrations | Hotels |
Junk Food | Languages | Liquids | Mammals |
Materials | Movies | Nouns | Places |
Presidents | Shops | United States in US | Textures |
Things Found Under the Bed | Things Made of Fabric | Things Made of Glass | Things Made of Metal |
Things Made of Wood | Things that Are Alive | Things that Fly | Things that Float |
Things that Grow | Things that Use Batteries | Things that Use Electricity | Things you Hang on a Wall |
Things you Plug in | Verbs | Ways to Cook | Grocery Store Items |
Good Luck Items |

Middle School and High School Levels – Topics for Concentration Game
This list of categories is perfect for your older students working on higher difficulty levels in 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, or 12th grade.

Adjectives | Adverbs | Board Games | Careers |
Cities | Clothing Stores | College Majors | Countries |
Cuisine | Famous Musicians | Famous People | Female Names |
Fictional Characters | Gardening | Gasses | Genres of Movies |
Hobbies | Internal Organs | Languages | Males Names |
Music Types | Nationalities | Personalities | Recipes |
Restaurants | Song Titles | States | Technology |
Terms of Endearment | Things Found on a Map | Things Found in a Mall | Things that Sink |
Book Parts | Measure Units | Parts of Speech | Mythical Creatures |
Ancient Civilizations | Famous Landmarks | Government Types | Mountain Ranges |
Tall Tales Stories | Yoga Poses |

SEE ALSO: 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle

Concentration Categories Game
This game is played just like the game concentration.
- Start by placing the pictures facedown on the table.
- Then have your students take turns trying to match an item to its category. (If they flip over the matching item and its category they get to keep the pair of cards. If they don’t make a match they turn the cards back over and let the next person have a turn.)
- Then it’s the next students turn to try to make a match.
- The student with the most matches at the end of the game wins!
*Grab your free sets + answer sheet at the end of this post.
More Category Games
If your looking for even more category games be sure to keep reading to learn how to play concentration 64 below (youtube video included).
You’ll also want to check out our category games for speech therapy as well as our 35+ activities to teach categories for speech therapy.
SEE ALSO: 179+ Free Speech Therapy Wh Questions Printable

Categories for Concentration 64
If you’re looking for even more fun times you can use the above categories for concentration 64 topics.
If you’ve never played 64 concentration topics game before it’s a fun singing and clapping game that works on naming items within a category.
One person selects the category heading for example “words with the first letter p” and then from there you go back and forth naming items within that head category, such as “panda, pen, paper, etc.”
My favorite features of this game are how much fun the students have and how they giggle when someone gets stumped!

Concentration Topics Game 64 Lyrics
Concentration (clap, clap, clap)
Sixty-four (clap, clap, clap)
No repeats (clap, clap, clap)
Or hesitations (clap, clap, clap)
I’ll go first (clap, clap, clap)
You’ll go last (clap, clap, clap)
Category is: (clap, clap, clap)
<Choose a category, i.e. “Animals”> (clap, clap, clap)
<Player 1’s word, i.e. “Dog” > (clap, clap, clap)
<Player 2’s word, i.e. “Crocodile”> (clap, clap, clap)
And so on…
Here is a short beautiful illustration of a mom and her daughter modeling exactly how to play Concentration 64!
In Conclusion: Categories for Concentration
I hope you found this list of categories for concentration to be helpful! Be sure to enter your name and email below to grab your free copy of the 4 leveled concentration games as well!
Fill Out the Form Below to Grab Your Free Copy!
Simply enter your name and email to have this free set of 4 leveled concentration games with pictures emailed directly to your inbox!
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