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135+ Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy (Free Word Lists)

Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

Are you a speech therapist or parent looking for voiced TH words to practice with your child or student? Then this blog is just what you need! It has over 135 voiced TH words for speech therapy that will help strengthen your child or student’s /th/ sound. 

Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

In the world of speech therapy, mastering the “th” sound is important for clear and effective communication. As speech therapists, we know that the “th” sound is particularly essential, since it appears frequently in every day conversations, and is also one of the most common mispronounced sounds. 

By understanding and focusing on voiced “th” words in speech therapy sessions, we as speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and our clients can work together to improve speech clarity and overall language development. 

Voiced “th” sounds are created when the vocal cords vibrate and the air is pushed through the small space between the teeth and tongue. 

This unique sound can be tricky for some individuals, particularly young children and non-native English speakers who may not have been exposed to it early in life. 

This blog is just what you need when working on the pronunciation and articulation of voiced TH words! We will cover various techniques that can be employed in your speech therapy session to help clients develop and strengthen their pronunciation of voiced “th” words. 


Key Takeaways

  • Speech therapy aims to improve the pronunciation of voiced “th” words to enhance communication.
  • Voiced “th” sounds are key components of everyday conversations, making early intervention crucial. 
  • Various teaching methods and different resource types can be employed to differentiate between voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.
  • There are additional resources listed in this post that can be used as helpful resources when working on the voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy.

Understanding Voiced Th Sounds

As a speech therapist, I found that one of the common challenges is understanding and mastering the voiced “th” sound. It seemed to be one of the most common mispronounced sounds in the past within my caseload. 

To cover the basics – the voiced “th” sounds occur when the vocal cords vibrate during the production of the sound. This is in contrast to voiceless “th” sounds, which do not involve vocal cord vibration. 

To begin, it’s crucial to know that an articulation disorder occurs when a person has difficulty producing speech sounds correctly. This can happen for various reasons, including structural abnormalities in the oral cavity, weak oral muscles, or delayed motor speech development. For voiced “th” sounds, the focus is primarily on the correct tongue placement and vocal cord vibration.

Correct Production

  • Tongue Placement: To produce a clear voiced “th” sound, have your student or child place the tip of their tongue between the upper and bottom teeth. 
  • Airflow: The tongue should rest gently against the teeth, allowing for free airflow.
  • Vocal Cords: As the vocal cords vibrate, a continuous voiced sound should be produced.
  • Tip: During this process, they should feel a slight vibration in their throat, indicating that the vocal cords are engaged appropriately.

As I worked with clients, one technique I found helpful was practicing voiced “th” in various positions. 

This post will give you over 135 words, phrases and sentences in initial, medial and final positions to practice. I suggest starting with simple words and gradually progressing to more complex phrases and sentences. 

Additionally, reading books aloud that contain voiced “th” sounds can provide valuable practice and help increase awareness of how “th” sounds in everyday speech and conversations.

The Importance of Early Intervention

As speech therapists and speech-language pathologists, we understand the crucial role early intervention plays in helping children overcome speech difficulties, especially with voiced “th” sounds. 

One of the main reasons is that early intervention allows us to address speech and language delays during the critical period of a child’s development. Research consistently demonstrates that early intervention can significantly improve outcomes in communication skills, social interactions, and academic success. 

Working in Early Intervention

When working with children who have a hard time pronouncing voiced “th” sounds, our goal as speech therapists should be to provide specialized techniques and activities tailored to our child’s needs. 

This will help them improve their speech and gain confidence in their ability to communicate. Early intervention helps us identify and address these issues as soon as possible, giving the child the best chance for success in their speech development.


Working with Families

Collaborating with family members is an essential aspect of early intervention programs for voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy. I loved working closely with parents and caregivers to create a supportive and nurturing environment that encouraged the child to practice their newfound skills. 

Creating strong communication between the family and other teams such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, a special education teacher or general ed teacher will help reinforce the therapy techniques applied during sessions in many different ways and allows the child to progress more quickly.

In conclusion, early intervention is always important when working on different sounds, but especially voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy.

Methods for Teaching Voiced ‘Th’ Words

  1. Mouth Position

The first step in teaching voiced ‘th’ words is to ensure the proper mouth position. 

To avoid speech errors, start by helping the child:

  • Tongue: place their tongue between the upper and lower front teeth while making the voiced th sound. 
  • Tongue Tip: The tongue tip should be just visible or approach the inner surface of the upper front teeth. 
  • Tip: I always reminded my students that the difference between voiceless and voiced th is the vibration they feel in their vocal cords. 
  1. Word Lists

Word lists are a valuable tool when teaching voiced ‘th’ words, and so I have created a list of 135 ‘th’ words at the word, phrase and sentence level. 

You can also encourage your student or child to go through this list of words and practice reading or repeating the words aloud, while focusing on the correct pronunciation of the “th” sound. 

  1. Fun Activities

Playing games and using activities in our speech therapy sessions is a great way to engage children and make learning fun. 

Below in this post, we have curated a list of fun and free resources to use with your students and child to practice the target sound “th” in different ways! 

We have resource types for home practice, early intervention, older students, independent work etc.  


Differentiating Between Voiced and Voiceless ‘Th’ Sounds

As a speech-language pathologist, I learned quickly how important it is to understand the different speech sounds between voiced and voiceless “th”. 

The different sounds can create some confusion, but our students will be able to master their target sound and improve their speech and pronunciation with the guidance from our speech therapy sessions.

Voiced TH

Voiced ‘th’ sounds occur when the voice box is turned on during pronunciation. 

They often appear in function words, such as “this,” “that,” “then,” and “there.” 

Voiceless TH

In contrast, voiceless ‘th’ sounds happen when your voice box is turned off. 

One way to differentiate between these sounds is by placing your fingers gently on your throat while pronouncing various ‘th’ words. You’ll feel vibrations in your throat while producing the voiced ‘th’ sound and no vibrations for the voiceless ‘th’ sound.

Voiced vs Voiceless TH

The only difference between these two sounds is the use of vocal cords. 

In both cases, you must place your tongue slightly between your teeth and blow air. To better understand the distinction, use these examples of different words with voiced and voiceless ‘th’ sounds. 

Some examples of voiced ‘th’ words are “then,” “these,” and “though,” while voiceless ‘th’ words are “think,” “thirteen,” and “thumb.”

Word Positions: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy 

Practicing at initial, medial and final levels is a great way to help improve an articulation disorder and achieve clearer speech. 

To help our clients improve their speech, we should work with them on target words in all positions. This enables them to practice the correct pronunciation of the voiced TH sound no matter where it appears in a word.

Initial Position of Words

The initial position of words refers to when the TH sound is at the beginning of a word, such as “that” or “this”. 

Medial Position of Words

Medial position refers to when the TH sound appears in the middle of a word, such as “father”, “another”, and “leather”.

Final Positions of Words

Final positions of words, on the other hand, occur when the TH sound is at the end of a word, like in “bathe” or “breathe”. This position can be challenging for some clients as it requires sustaining the TH sound through the end of the word.

Target Word

Here’s a list of Voiced TH articulation sounds for you to use in therapy or at home practice to work on your student or child’s new words.

  • For Example: these, that, them, brother, mother, unbothered, bathe 

See full list of words, phrases, and sentences below.

Be sure to grab my one page freebie of Voiced TH sounds below. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post and grab your free copy!

Initial Voiced Th Words at Word Level

Some ways to practice include having your child or student say each /th/ word one by one as they go through a list. 

Using a dot marker can also be a fun way to practice having your child put a dot under each voiced TH sound. 

In addition, I’ve compiled an easy-to-download one page overview of voiced TH sounds below. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and download your free copy.

  • 1 Syllable: the, that, them, than, there, thou, then, they, these, their, they’re, this, those, these, though, thee, thy, they’d, they’ve, they’ll, theirs, thus
  • 2 Syllable: themselves, thereof, thyself, therefore, therein, thereby, thyself, thenceforth, thereon, thereto, therewith, thyselves
  • 3 Syllable: thereafter, thereupon, thereunder, thereabout

Practice Voiced Initial TH Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer!

initial voiced th their
initial voiced th these
initial voiced th there
initial voiced th this
initial voiced th them
initial voiced th than
initial voiced th thenceforth
initial voiced th theirs
initial voiced th therein
initial voiced th thy
initial voiced th those
initial voiced th they
initial voiced th the
initial voiced th thee
initial voiced th though
initial voiced th they_ve (2)
initial voiced th they_d
initial voiced th thus
initial voiced th that
initial voiced th thyself
initial voiced th therefore
initial voiced th they_ll
initial voiced th they_ve
initial voiced th then
initial voiced th thou
initial voiced th their initial voiced th these initial voiced th there initial voiced th this initial voiced th them initial voiced th than initial voiced th thenceforth initial voiced th theirs initial voiced th therein initial voiced th thy initial voiced th those initial voiced th they initial voiced th the initial voiced th thee initial voiced th though initial voiced th they_ve (2) initial voiced th they_d initial voiced th thus initial voiced th that initial voiced th thyself initial voiced th therefore initial voiced th they_ll initial voiced th they_ve initial voiced th then initial voiced th thou

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy

1 Syllable2 Syllable3 Syllable

SEE ALSO: 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy

Medial Voiced TH Words at Word Level

  • 2 Syllable: father, mother, clothing, brothers, both, southern, feathers, loathing, either, wither, within, gather, soothing, teething, bather, bethel, lather, mouthing, tether, rather, seething, although, brotherly, either, clothings, leather, other, smoothie, weather, withdraw, worthy, bathing, breathing, slither, smoothest, feather, bothers, rhythm, mothers, fathers, slithers, brother, writhing, bathers, scathing
  • 3 Syllable: unbothered, grandmother, grandfather, another, brotherly, gathering, together, weatherman, other, bothersome, fatherly, motherhood, otherwise, stepmother, stepbrother, stepfather, tetherball, weatherproof, motherly, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, self soothing, otherside, another one, off-rhythm, weather man, bathing tub, brotherly love, self soother, unclothing, sunbathing
  • 4 Syllable:  altogether, mother in law, father in law, togetherness, protein smoothie, Mother’s Day Card, Father’s Day card, bird feather, gather around, another one

Practice Voiced Medial TH Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer

medial voiced th another
medial voiced th bother
medial voiced th feather
medial voiced th motherly
medial voiced th mouthing
medial voiced th otherwise
medial voiced th clothing
medial voiced th rhythm
medial voiced th gather
medial voiced th southern
medial voiced th wither
medial voiced th grandfather
medial voiced th unbothered
medial voiced th father
medial voiced th smoothie
medial voiced th leather
medial voiced th mother
medial voiced th tether
medial voiced th brothers
medial voiced th weather
medial voiced th teething
medial voiced th soothing
medial voiced th worthy
medial voiced th rather
medial voiced th together
medial voiced th another medial voiced th bother medial voiced th feather medial voiced th motherly medial voiced th mouthing medial voiced th otherwise medial voiced th clothing medial voiced th rhythm medial voiced th gather medial voiced th southern medial voiced th wither medial voiced th grandfather medial voiced th unbothered medial voiced th father medial voiced th smoothie medial voiced th leather medial voiced th mother medial voiced th tether medial voiced th brothers medial voiced th weather medial voiced th teething medial voiced th soothing medial voiced th worthy medial voiced th rather medial voiced th together

Medial Voiced Th Word List at Word Level

2 Syllable3 Syllable4 Syllable
botherbrotherlyprotein smoothie
southerngatheringMother’s Day card
featherstogetherFather’s Day Card
loathingweathermanbird feather
eitherothergather around
witherbothersomeanother one
ratherFather’s Day
seethingMother’s Day
eitheranother one
leatherweather man
otherbathing tub
smoothiebrotherly love
weatherself soothing

Final Voiced TH Words at Word Level

  • 1 Syllable: bathe, seethe, writhe, loathe, soothe, breathe, lathe, teethe, scathe
  • 2 Syllable: sunbathe, unclothe

Practice Voiced Final Th Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer!

Final TH Voiced

voiced final th - bathe
voiced final th - breathe
voiced final th - loathe
voiced final th - teethe
voiced final th - soothe
voiced final th - sunbathe
voiced final th clothe
voiced final th - smooth
voiced final th - bathe voiced final th - breathe voiced final th - loathe voiced final th - teethe voiced final th - soothe voiced final th - sunbathe voiced final th clothe voiced final th - smooth

Final Voiced TH Word List at Word Level

1 Syllable2 Syllable

Short Sentences or Phrases

When working on Voiced TH sound production, it’s important to work on short phrases once your child or student has mastered the sound at the word level at or near 80% or higher accuracy.

Here is a list of Voiced TH word phrases to try:

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

1 Syllable2 Syllable3 Syllable
the catbe themselvesthereafter we will
that manlack thereofit is thereupon
at themconsider thyselfcheck thereunder
taller thantherefore the contractthereabout the same time
over thereand all the contents therein
thou shaltthereby use less energy
go home thenTrust thyself
they arethenceforth we will be called
these are myprinted thereon
their carreply thereto
they’re running latein connection therewith
this isaccquaint thyselves
those are
these are my
though small
thee wed
thy shall
they’d been
they’ve been
they’ll be here
is theirs
thus far

Voiced Medial TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

2 Syllable3 Syllable4 Syllable
my fatheris unbotheredhappy to be altogether
her mothergrandmother cooksmother in law calls
fold the clothinggrandfather playsmother-in-law calls
three brothersanother babytogetherness is great
bugs botherbrotherly lovemake a protein smoothie
southern Virginiafriendly gatheringFather’s Day Card is funny
found featherswe are togetherfather-in-law helps
began loathingweatherman reportsbird feather fell
either choiceother thangather around the fire
the flower withersis bothersomeanother one dropped off
look withinfatherly actions
gather sticksmotherhood is fun
soothing teaotherwise we might
teething babystepmother smiles
lots of bathersstepbrother drives me
traveled to Bethelstepfather went to
lather the soaptetherball is a game
mouthing on a stickweatherproof jacket
tether to the fencemotherly care
rather not goFather’s Day dinner
seething with angerMother’s Day card
although she forgotsoothing drink
brotherly loveotherside of the city
either choiceanother one was dropped
neutral clothingoff-rhythm beat
leather couchweather woman smiles
other restaurantfill the bathing tub
berry smoothiecity of brotherly love
rainy weatherMother’s Day card arrived
withdraw from the classunclothing in the dressing room
worthy to earnsunbathing outside
bathing suit
breathing deeply
slither away
another one
smoothest skin
feather is black
bothers me
keeps rhythm
mothers are great
fathers his child
slithers quickly
older brother
writhing in pain
scathing review

Voiced Final TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

1 Syllable2 Syllable
bathe in the sundog loves to sunbathe
seethe in angerunclothe in the dressing room
writhe in pain
loathe the idea
soothe his muscles
breathe in deep

Sentence Level: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

The next step after working at the word and phrase levels is to work on the Voiced TH sound at the sentence level.

For example, you could give your child or student a list of sentences to read aloud while they work on their Voiced TH sound. 

Another idea would be to give your child or student pictures with their Voiced TH sound in them and then have them create a sentence about those pictures.

Below is a list of sentences to use with your child or students.

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

1 Syllable2 Syllable3 Syllable
The cat is black.They can be themselves.Thereafter we will go.
That man wears a scarf.There is a lack thereof paper.It is thereupon the desk.
I wave at them.You should consider thyself.Please check thereunder the bed.
I am taller than my sister.The law was broken, therefore the contract is void.We arrived thereabout the same time.
The cup is over there.The terms and all the contents therein are on paper.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor.We cut our electricity usage, thereby used less energy.
We will go home then.Trust thyself.
They are my friends.He will thenceforth we will be called Matt.
These are my pencils.It was printed thereon.
Their car is blue.I will reply thereto him.
They’re running late.They are in connection therewith.
This is my dog.We will accquaint thyselves.
Those are my shoes.
The yard is nice, though small.
With this ring, I thee wed.
Thy shall listen intently.
They’d been on a hike together.
They’ve been friends for years.
They’ll be here soon.
The toy is theirs.
We have made it thus far.

Voiced Medial TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

2 Syllable3 Syllable4 Syllable
My father claps for me.She is unbothered.We are happy to be altogether.
Her mother smiles at her.My grandmother cooks dinner.His father-in-law helps build a fence.
I am folding the clothing.His grandfather plays trains with him.Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love.
She has three brothers.They are pregnant with another baby.The togetherness is great.
Bugs bother me.The Mother’s Day card arrived late.He will make a protein smoothie.
Southern Virginia is a beautiful place.It was a fun and friendly gathering.This Father’s Day Card is funny.
We found feathers on the ground.We are together often.The bird’s feather is black.
She began loathing pickles.The weatherman reports on the storm.The bird feather fell down from the tree.
Either choice is a good option.Other than my worksheet, I did all my homework.We will gather around the fire.
The flower withers slowly.The news is bothersome.We adopted another one.
He can look within for answers.Being the baseball coach is a fatherly action.
We gather sticks for the fire.Motherhood is fun and rewarding.
I drink a soothing tea.Do not forget the directions, otherwise we might be late.
The teething baby is fussy.Her stepmother smiles at her.
Lots of bathers jump into the pool.My stepbrother drives me to school.
We traveled to Bethel.His stepfather went to his game.
Lather the soap and then wash your hands.tetherball is a fun game.
The dog is mouthing on a stick.I wear a weatherproof jacket.
He will tether the horse to the fence.Her motherly care is gentle.
He would rather not go.We had a Father’s Day dinner.
She is seething with anger.I made my mom a Mother’s Day card.
Although she forgot to call, she sent a present.She sips her soothing drink.
His brotherly actions were kind.We drove to the otherside of the city.
Either way, we will be late.Another package was dropped off.
She buys neutral clothing.He has an off-rhythm beat.
He sits on a leather couch.The weather woman smiles during her report.
I want to go to the other restaurant.She fills the bathing tub with bubbles.
She makes a berry smoothie.He takes self soothing actions.
The rainy weather is gloomy.I will start unclothing in the dressing room.
He can withdraw from the class.I am sunbathing outside.
He was worthy to earn the trophy.
I ordered a bathing suit.
He is breathing deeply to calm down.
The snake might slither away.
We found another one.
The baby has the smoothest skin.
He keeps the rhythm on the drums.
It bothers me.
He keeps rhythm on the drums.
Mothers are great.
He fathers his child well.
The animal slithers away quickly.
My older brother is at school.
He is writhing in pain.
He takes self-soothing actions.

Voiced Final TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

1 Syllable2 Syllable
The bird flew down to bathe in the puddle.My dog loves to sunbathe by the window.
He started to seethe with anger.She will clothe the baby.
Th pain made her writhe.
I loathe having to do laundry.
The cream helped soothe his aching muscles.
She couldn’t breathe in the fire’s smoke.

SEE ALSO: Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy

Utilizing Speech Therapy Resources

To best help students pronounce the correct speech sounds, it is important that their speech therapist utilizes the best speech therapy resources and tools.

We are very passionate about that here at Speech Therapy Store and have compiled articulation word lists and other resources for you to use in your speech therapy sessions or for your home practice. 


Implementing Fun Techniques to Engage Children

We know that getting children interested in practicing speech therapy techniques can be a challenge. We have, however, found several ways to engage their attention and make your speech therapy sessions enjoyable for all!  

In this blog post, look through the resources we have compiled for some different ways to use free speech therapy resources to teach new sounds!

By incorporating elements such as play dough, games, and family involvement, we aim to facilitate their progress in developing the voiced “th” sound in a confident, knowledgeable, and clear manner. Use our compiled list of free resources below to start implementing speech therapy techniques that are engaging and enjoyable!

Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy Ideas

Older Students

Sometimes you have to get creative when engaging older students with voiced th resources. Use this list for some free resources for your middle school and high school ages students.

Minimal Pairs

Do you need minimal pairs therapy for Th-F fricative simplification or minimal pairs therapy for S-Th substitution?

Here are a few resources to help get you started.

Enough Time

Feeling like you don’t have enough time to work on your child or students voiced th sound? 

Articulation therapy can be as simple as 5 minutes of practice a day.

Here is a list of 5 minute therapy ideas to work on the final l sound.

SEE ALSO: 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials

Boom Cards

Boom cards are another fun and engaging way to strengthen your child or student’s articulation skills.

Here are a few favorite boom cards to work on the voiced TH sounds:

Therapy Room

Are you a speech therapist looking for voiced th words to practice with your clients? 

Here are a couple of fun worksheets and games that you can use in your therapy room to work on the voiced th sound.

Working with Families

Remember that encouraging child practice with family members also adds an interpersonal aspect to the learning process. 

This technique not only helps children connect speech practice with their loved ones but also reinforces the importance of correct pronunciation in daily communication. 

Family members can provide positive reinforcement during these sessions, boosting the child’s motivation and confidence in their speech abilities.

In Conclusion: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

We hope you have found this article helpful for working on your child or student’s Voiced TH sound. 

Be sure to grab your freebie of 20 words to start practicing 5 minutes a day!

Grab Your Free Voiced TH Word List with Pictures Here!

Simply enter your name and email to have this free Voiced TH Words list with picture cards emailed directly to your inbox! 

Grab our Initial Voiced TH Words List!

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    Grab our Medial Voiced TH Words List!

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      Grab our Final Voiced TH Words List!

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        Frequently Asked Questions

        What are some common voiced TH words?

        Some common voiced TH words include “the”, “this”, “that”, “there”, and “they”. These words require vocal fold vibration while articulating the TH sound. Practice these words individually or in phrases to improve your voiced TH sound production.

        How can I practice voiced th sounds in sentences?

        To practice voiced TH sounds in sentences, start by creating simple phrases that include voiced TH words, such as “The dog is playing” or “They are jumping”. Gradually increase the complexity of your sentences, focusing on maintaining accurate pronunciation of the TH sound. 

        What is the difference between voiced and unvoiced TH?

        The primary difference between voiced and unvoiced TH is the presence of vocal fold vibration. Voiced TH sounds, like in “this” or “those”, involve vibration of the vocal folds, while unvoiced TH sounds, like in “think” or “through”, do not. The tongue position for both types of TH sounds is the same, with the tip of the tongue lightly touching the upper teeth.

        How can I find a list of medial voiced th words?

        Finding a list of medial voiced TH words can be helpful for targeted practice. One resource for such a list is available above if you simply scroll back up which provides TH word lists for speech therapy, including medial voiced TH words.

        What strategies are used in speech therapy for voiced th sounds?

        In speech therapy for voiced TH sounds, there are several strategies, including visual cues, modeling, and tactile cues. Visual cues involve showing the correct tongue placement between the teeth, while modeling entails demonstrating the correct pronunciation for the client to imitate. Tactile cues involve providing gentle touch prompts to direct the placement of the tongue. Another approach is using word lists, phrases, and reading passages designed to target the voiced TH sound.

        Can you provide examples of final th words?

        Final th words are words that have the TH sound at the end of the word. Some examples of final voiced TH words include “breathe”, “bathe”, “clothe”, and “smooth”. Practicing these words individually and in sentences can help to improve your ability to properly articulate the voiced TH sound in various positions within words.

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