Are you looking for speech therapy halloween activities?
If so you’ve come to the right place with over 80 free speech therapy halloween activities divided by skill area for easy access to any speech therapy halloween resources you might want.

Speech Therapy Halloween
This free list of speech therapy halloween activities includes 15 different skill areas of focus.
1. Articulation: R, L, S, Z, SH, CH, TH, J, F, V, T, D, K, G, H, Y, W
2. Phonology
3. Reinforcement
4. Following Directions
5. Social Skills
6. Language Skills
7. WH – Questions
8. Crafts
9. Sequencing
10. Vocabulary
11. Categories
12. Pronouns
13. Describing
14. Synonyms
15. Multiple Meaning Words
1. Articulation: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Fortunes for Speech Therapy by Speech Therapy by Courtney Gragg is a highly rated origami freebie for elementary aged students. This freebie targets vocalic /r/ with 8 halloween themed origami print outs – instructions on how to fold included!
- Halloween Vocalic R What’s Wrong Picture Scene by Two Sisters Therapy – Nicole Absher is a highly rated, no print, no prep halloween scene that is interactively used on smart devices! Students love this halloween themed articulation practice.
- Halloween Sound Loaded Short Story with “WH” ? by Miss Chris’s Peech Room is a great resource to use with group work! The passages are engaging and there are 10 questions for every passage.
- Halloween Articulation Word Searches – R and S Sounds by Communication Window is a set of engaging, Halloween themed word searches that are ready to print and go!
- Halloween Mad Labs for Speech by Super Power Speech is a fun set of Mad Libs with a halloween theme for students to target articulation goals and language goals! These are engaging and a student favorite.
- FREE NO PRINT Articulation SAMPLE by The Busy Speech Mom is a free, no print and interactive game for students to practice articulation!
- Halloween Sound Loaded Pictures ~~J~~ by Miss Chris’ Peech Room is a highly rated, no prep activity that is great for Halloween articulation practice.
- Distance Learning Games FREEBIE! Pirate Theme SAMPLE by The Busy Speech Mom is both interactive and printable. This is a fun and engaging pirate themed board game!
- Zombie Hunt – Halloween Speech Therapy FREEBIE – Low Prep Games is an easy to prep game (just cut the zombies out) that involves gross motor breaks and will be so fun and engaging for your students! Hide the zombies around the room and have students say target articulation words to trap the zombies!
- Spooky Speech: Halloween Articulation Word Lists and Activities by Sublime Speech is a compilation of fun Halloween themed activities that target articulation practice. These activities are low prep and very engaging!
- Articulation Vocabulary Books: Halloween Freebie by Speech is Sweet are engaging articulation books that are great for younger students! Have students practice at both word and sentence level.
- Halloween Articulation Dice Game by Nicole Raventine is a highly rated articulation dice game with a fun Halloween theme! This freebie is minimal prep and students love to practice multiple sound targets in pairs or teams!
2. Phonology: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Monster Freebie- What Begins with ‘M”? Phonological Awareness by Speech Sprouts is a freebie that helps practice identification and isolation of initial sounds and phonological awareness of initial ‘M’. It is highly rated and easy to print and go!
- Blend & Color: Halloween Multisyllabic Words – Phonemic Awareness Activity by Bluebird Speech is a engaging and fun halloween activity that can be used interactively or can be printed. Students practice articulation as they blend 2-4 syllable words.
- Ghost Talk Blog Hop: The Ghost That Wasn’t Spooky Articulation Phonology by Sparklle SLP Speech Therapy is a great freebie to practice articulation and phonology with younger students.
3. Reinforcement: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Speech Therapy Game Activity | FREE
by Sparklle SLP Speech Therapy is a highly rated reinforcement activity with a Halloween/Fall theme. Students will roll dice then pick a themed items to add to their tree while they practice their drill practice of any kind. - Halloween Spider Stack Mat A Mini Eraser Game Companion! by Sparkley Speechie is a no prep spider stack mat perfect for halloween themed erasers. Use this mat to practice multiple different target skills.
- 100 Trials Candy Corn Challenge is a 100 repetition challenge by Peachie Speechie! Designed to be used with real candy corn, you can adapt this activity to reach pretty much any repetition speech goal.
- Halloween 50 Articulation Trials by Ashley Rossi is a no prep activity that can be used for groups or individually!
4. Following Directions: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Following Directions by The Speech Ladder are printable color to number coloring sheets for students to practice following directions! The pages are costume themed.
- Halloween Following Directions with Prepositions by The Cheap Path SpeechPath are Halloween themed picture scenes that prompt students to follow directions. Pro- tip: Place velcro on target areas to help prompt students where the witch should go!
- Haunted House Following Directions and Expressive Vocabulary by Queen’s Speech is a print and go activity with varying levels of directions. This freebie prompts students to place different items in a haunted house. This freebie is highly rated!
- Halloween Print-n-Go Following Directions by Practically Speeching is a pack of 4 printable worksheets with one and two step directions. this set is great for younger elementary students and is ready to print and go!
- Halloween Play Dough Mats for Following Directions by the Digital SLP is a great set of play dough mats for pre-k and kindergarten! Print these sheets and have students follow directions such as “Give the cat a bow tie!” as they play with play dough.
5. Social Skills: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Idiom Monster Match-Ghosts and Goblins by SLP Madness is a set of worksheets and task cards to help reinforce idioms and figurative language. There are 16 pairs of idioms and task cards and a blank template as well!
- What Are They Thinking: A Social Skills Halloween Activity by Speech Paths is a great resource to use with students who are working on social pragmatic scenarios for Halloween. A cartoon scene and short story guide students through interactions including facial expressions and gestures, perspective taking, supporting friends, and respecting others.
- Halloween Idioms by LindseySLP is a fun way to practice idioms with a Halloween theme! Students can practice at both sentence and short story level!
- Halloween Exit Slip Freebie for Articulation, Language and Social Skills by Creative Speech Lab is a fun and engaging set of Exit Slips that focus on articulation and social skills! Easily print, cut and place in a jar for your students.
- Halloween Social Narrative and Disability Awareness Card by TLC Talk Shop – Tamantha Cauckwell includes a social narrative to help prepare students for Halloween night and also clear Disability Awareness Cards to use while trick or treating.
- Should or Shouldn’t I – Behaviors for Trick or Treating by Speechy Musings is a social skills freebie that prompts students to sort “should” behaviors and “should not” behaviors. Simply print the resource which has options for both writing, or cutting and pasting pictures to the right category.
- Good Witch vs. Bad Witch by Speech Time Fun is a great resource to practice social pragmatics involving Halloween! Students sort the good witch and the bad witch into the right category.
6. Language Skills: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Expanding Sentences | Real Photos by Language Speech and Literacy is a highly rated, interactive resources that includes 10 real photo scenes with WH question visuals for teaching pronouns, verbs, WH questions, expanding sentences, basic concepts, prepositions, and writing.
- Receptive Identification Photos by Alison Fors is an activity that focuses on listening comprehension. Students will identify a described picture, or have the students describe the picture to practice descriptors, pronouns, and verbs in a sentence.
- Finger plays: Halloween, spatial concepts, expressive language by Speech2u is an engaging activity for younger students that uses Finger Plays to go with the rhyme 5 Little Pumpkins and an original by the author.
- Halloween Inferencing: Who Am I? Guessing Game by SLP Speech Nerd is a great inferencing activity for early elementary with 12 photo cards, PCS visuals, and 12 question cards. Simply print, laminate and re-use!
- The Ghost That Wasn’t Spooky: Speech and Language Halloween Ghost Talk Blog Hop by The Pedi Speechie is an engaging story to print, cut and assemble with your students!
- Halloween Main Idea and Details by Just Speechie SLP is a highly rated language packet that includes 12 Halloween stories, a main idea and details template, and a double-wide board game. Topics include how to make a halloween costume, trick or treating, haunted houses etc!
- Bigger; Smaller; Clothespins; Center Kindergarten; Autism by Amanda Butt Sanderson is a great language activity for younger students to practice 1 on 1 with teachers, or at centers. Simply print, laminate and re-use!
- Spooky Clues: Halloween Inferencing by Peachie Speechie is a great inferencing activity that gives clues to students and has them guess the Halloween themed item. There is a print or a no prep option!
7. WH-Questions: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Wh-Question Cards FREEBIE by The Talking Owl is a clear, engaging set of 24 wh-questions cards. Print one sheet to drill, or two to play memory!
- Halloween Sound Loaded Short Story with “WH” ? by Miss Chris’ Peech Room is an engaging set of short stories that are accompanied by 10 Wh- Questions. This is a great resource to use in small groups!
- Halloween BINGO, wh- questions by The OG SLP is a fun game with 8 bingo sets and 24 Wh-Question calling cards to engage the students in the board game! This set is easy to print and play and is highly rated.
- Halloween Wh-questions! by Speechy Days is a fun, Halloween themed set that prompts students to practice answering and asking questions.
- Room on the Broom “WH’ Question Match by Miss Chris’ Peech room is an updated and revised version of a fun, Halloween themed activity that prompts students to answer Wh- Questions based on a fun book!
- Halloween Stories With Basic WH- Questions by Speechtacular Resources is a fun and engaging set of Halloween themed short stories that are accompanied by WH- Questions. This is a great activity for small groups!
- Wh- Questions Halloween Bingo by Easy Speechie 123 is a highly rated bingo board set designed for younger elementary to practice answering WH Questions. Clear directions and answer key are included!
- Candy Corn “WH” Questions by the Speech Nook is a set of 48 candy corn themed WH- Question cards for younger elementary students! There is a color and black and white version available.
- Candy Corn Question Cards by Speech Time Fun is a fun way for young elementary aged students to practice WH- Questions with a fall/Halloween theme set of cards. This freebie is engaging and highly rated!
8. Crafts: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Craft FREEBIE by Fun in Speech is a fun fall themed speech therapy activity that can be used simply as a craft that targets practicing articulation and language. This is a great craft to use as decoration on a bulletin board too!
- Halloween Speech Therapy Craft: Pop Up by Texas Speech Mom is a fun and engaging pop up craft that targets articulation practice.
- Speech & Language Halloween Activity – Build A Face by Speech Therapy Plans is a highly rated, low prep craft for your students that targets articulation and language practice.
- Free Bat Craft for Speech and Language Therapy by Texas Speech Mom is a class favorite, funny, quick and easy craft that will get your students laughing and engaged! Check our the authors TPT story for a companion packet that targets 8 different areas of speech.
- Crow Speech Therapy Craft FREE by Speech Dreams is a highly rated fall/Halloween themed craft that targets articulation and language. Students love this cut and glue activity and often take it home for more practice!
- Halloween Craft FREE Monster by Speech Dreams is a great craft to pair with any monster themed book! This activity is cut and glue for younger students and always so fun and engaging.
9. Sequencing: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Sequencing Mini-books for Halloween Fun FREEBIE! by Activity Tailor is a highly rated mini book to practice sequencing at 3 different levels. The books are easily folded from one sheet of paper.
- Trick or Treat Sequencing cards / Social Story by Miss V’s Speech World is a packet of 9 sequencing cards that tell a social story about trick or treating! This is great for social stories or scripts too!
- Legend of Sleepy Hollow Retell and sequencing activity by Wildcat SLPA is a great activity for older students to practice sequencing events in an engaging, Halloween themed way!
- The Ghost That Wasn’t Spooky: Sequencing by The Speech Attic is an engaging story with an easy to print sequencing activity! This is part of a blog hop, so you can use this same story for different speech therapy goals.
- How to Carve a Jack-O-Lantern Sequencing FREEBIE by Speak Up Speech is a great, simple activity for younger elementary that targets sequencing and how to telling. This freebie is highly rated and easy to print and go!
- Puking Pumpkins Science Activity for Inference, Sequence and Recall by Detig Dialect – Tricia Detig SLP is a great activity that is hands on for older students. Checl the supplies list, then have students practie inferencing and sequencing with this fun Halloween themed project!
10. Vocabulary: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- FREE Halloween File Folder Game, Beginning Sounds Cut and Paste Worksheets by Promoting Success is a download of one free file folder game that targets Halloween vocabulary and beginning sounds. This is great for Kindergarteners!
- Halloween Freebie for Vocabulary by The Pedi Speechie is a set of sheets that target the vocabulary use with multiple meaning words, homonyms and synonyms. Print the color version, laminate and use with dough or chips over and over and print the black adn white version to use with daubers, crayons, stickers etc.
11. Categories: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Candy Categories: FREE Halloween Activity by A Space to Speak is a halloween themed set of worksheets that focus on categories. Each worksheet has candy corn pieces that have three words written on them. Read the words, determine the class/feature/function.
- Category Freebie- Monster Faces No Prep by The SLT Scrapbook is a set of no prep work sheets that target naming items from a written list, visual list and from a category. This is highly rated and the monster theme is engaging and fun for halloween or all year.
12. Pronouns: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Pronoun Freebie by Speechie Days is a 5 star rated packet with 24 target goals to label he/she and picture items on a fun, Halloween themed picture board!
- Halloween Pronouns: Free Grammar Activity by Jenna Rayburn Kirk is an engaging activity that has you label pronouns on a sentence strip as you feed your monster!
- HALLOWEEN PRONOUNS by Speedie Speechie Supplies is a simple activity that prompts students to cut out the Halloween/ dress up themed characters, glue them under the appropriate pronoun, and then color their picture! This is a great print and go activity.
13. Describing: Speech Therapy Halloween Activities
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Who or What Am I? Halloween Identification Describing Game by Jennifer Callaway is a free four page set for drilling or games! Listen to clues, make inferences, and identify objects from a description in this fun Halloween themed freebie.
- Halloween Attributes; Describing by The Speech and Language Backpack is a set of 5 pictures and attributes that students with cut out and glue to the matching picture to practice describing goals!
- Halloween Activity Cards by Speech Rocks is a set of 36 Halloween themed vocabulary cards to be used in describing games! This set is clear, engaging, and highly rated!
14. Synonyms: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- Halloween Synonyms Worksheet by Activity Tailor is a worksheets that prompts students to read Halloween themed sentences and then choose synonyms from a word bank. This is a great print and go activity.
- Halloween Synonyms by Stress Free SLP is a set of 28 cards that students can use to practice synonyms while drilling, matching, playing Go Fish etc!
15. Multiple Meaning Words: Speech Therapy Halloween
Click the links below and download the free speech therapy halloween freebie of your choice.
- FREE: Batty for Multiple Meaning Words – a Halloween Activity by Big Hair SPeech Therapy is a pack with 10 multiple meaning words with a Halloween theme. This pack includes 3 levels of differentiation and a fun solve the riddle worksheet.
- Multiple Meanings – Halloween by Hanna Gelfand is a halloween themed set of cards. Have students read their card and tell you two different meanings for the word.

More Free Speech Therapy
Be sure to check out the following topics for more ideas!
Tuesday 18th of October 2022
Thank you!
Jennifer Pelham
Tuesday 11th of October 2022
Love all of your materials and resources!!
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