Are you a speech-language pathologist in need of free ASHA CEU credits? If so you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, I’ve compiled a list of 14 websites that have free SLP CEU credits. I’ve organized these free CEU resources by topic below!
In the United States, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association requires Speech-Language Pathologists to complete CEU’s to be ASHA members. These education courses or professional development hours are so important, no matter the years of experience an SLP may have because they make sure we are maintaining our best practices and are always implementing evidence-based strategies. There are different clinical considerations to evaluate when completing speech pathology CEUs but I do know this to be true – free ASHA CEUs will always be appreciated by speech therapists!

If you want to save this post for easy links to these free CEUs or free education credits, we recommend that! Or, feel free to download our Free CEU List + Speech Therapy PD hours below!!

PLEASE MAKE SURE to do your own research and make sure the free SLP CEU will work for you as well as qualify for what you need as speech pathologists gathering asha-approved CEUs.
**I’ve tried my best to make sure everything is free and will give you credits, however, things are always changing so PLEASE do your own research before completing any of the CEU credits. 🙂

Free ASHA CEU credits for Multiple Topics
This free list of free CEU courses covers multiple different topics about the latest best practices and latest research. Be sure to read through to find the credits of interest to you.
1. The Lavi Institute – Ethics Course & Supervision Course
Enjoy two courses with valuable information from the Lavi Institute on the following topics – a complimentary ethics course and a complimentary supervision course. These are both self-study courses that are go at your own pace. At the end of these online courses, take a quiz to receive your continuing education hours credits.
2. Bilinguistics Free Course –
Bilinguistics has a variety of CEU courses with 5 free options that focus on utilizing evidence-based practice, practical tips of treatment approaches in a school setting, and provides up to date speech therapy materials for case management and class organization. They also release a monthly live webinar ($40) for Speech-Language Pathology education units that hit a variety of topics and latest evidence.
3. Leaders Project – CEUs for Speech Language Pathology
Here you will find unlimited course access to various online training and courses for Speech-Language Pathologists. This project covers free ceu’s for various topics such as cleft palate evaluation and treatment, case studies, culturally responsive evaluations, and data collection for young children. This is a self-study program that is good for grad students. They also offer workshops in Spanish!
4. SLP Nerdcast – 4 Courses with various therapeutic goals and therapy techniques each being offered at .1 ASHA CEU
- Podcast Course: Putting Self-Care into Action to Prevent Burnout in the Helping Professions
- Podcast Course: Language Ideology and Linguistic Diversity in Speech and Language Pathology
- Podcast Course: Perspectives in Cultural Responsiveness: Working with Trans/GNC Individuals
- Podcast Course: Counseling in Communication Sciences and Disorders with Dr. David Luterman
BONUS! Use Code SpeechTherapyStore for 10% OFF the Basic or All Access CEU Membership at SLP Nerdcast!

5. – Free Ceu Course for New Members
Speech Pathology is an ASHA-approved CEU provider that provides excellent service delivery. They have an entire library of courses that focus on communication disorders, evidence based practices, language assessment techniques, therapy sessions in public schools, different case studies, assessment considerations, and more for a yearly cost. However, they do offer an amazing therapy tool for effective communication – a free CEU course when you sign in for the first time! There are many working on their bachelor’s degree or are a graduate student that use for professional connections and collaboration opportunities.
6. Lingraphica Learning Portal
This catalog is full of on demand, online or instructor-led free CEU’s perfect for when you don’t have much time.
This 4 day, completely virtual event provides free asha CEUs speech pathology courses to all who attend!

8. Passy Muir Free Webinar Self Study Courses
For free and convenient CEU’s, look through Passy Muir’s catalog of basic and advanced webinar courses. They have a great assortment of evidence-based courses!
BONUS! When completing all these CEU’s, it is also essential to keep them organized! Just for you, I have created a FREE CEU Tracker sheet to make sure you have a one stop area to keep track of all your CEU’s. Make sure to keep those CEU’s organized with the FREE CEU Tracker. You will be thanking yourself later! Grab the CEU Tracker Here!

ASHA CEUs Free for AAC
Here are some free speech therapy CEUs in the area of AAC devices implementation for AAC users.
9. Saltillo AAC Implementation Classes – Recorded Webinars
Follow the ASHA registry instruction forms for CEU credit. This site has a variety of introductory information for using AAC in clinical practice and with parents/ caregivers.
Here you will find a schedule for free live CEU development training on topics having to do with AAC implementation. Check out their live events schedule and register as these are live hours!
11. TobiiDynavox
TobiiDynavox has multiple course content CE hours for AAC learners.
Free SLP CEUs for Voice and Swallowing
Click the links below to get free ASHA CEU credits in the area of voice and swallowing.
12.University of Wisconsin – Voice and Swallow Clinics Lecture Series. Courses are eligible for ASHA CEUs for .10 credits.
Free Speech Pathology CEUs for Articulation
Click the link below to get ASHA CEUs free for articulation therapy.
13. SATPAC Remediation for /r/ and /s/
This new and improved 3 hour course covers the SATPAC method for teaching /r/ and /s/ articulation.
Free SLP CEUs for Apraxia
14. Child Apraxia Treatment for Principles of Motor Learning
This is a video and case study to cover the principles of CAS.

Managing ASHA CEUs
ASHA CE Registry
The ASHA Registry that an ASHA member can purchase (I wish there was a free account version) is a comprehensive database that tracks your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and helps you manage your continuing education activities and state license.
By joining the registry, you ensure that your ASHA CEUs are accurately and securely recorded. It’s essential to complete the ASHA CEU Participant Form, which is your official record of CEUs earned. Submit this form to course sponsors within 45 days of completing a course to ensure that your CEUs are accurately reported to the ASHA Registry.
CE Broker
When managing your ASHA CEUs, CE Broker is a convenient and efficient tool to consider. With CE Broker, you’re able to track and organize your CEUs from ASHA-approved CE courses and providers in one centralized location.
This platform allows you to monitor your progress toward meeting your CEU requirements, set goals, and even run reports to ensure compliance. It’s a user-friendly experience that makes managing your professional growth simple.

Google Drive
Google Drive is another excellent option for managing ASHA CEUs. By creating a dedicated folder within Google Drive, you can store all relevant documentation, including certificates, transcripts, and course outlines, all with unlimited access.
Google Drive’s organizational features, such as subfolders and file labeling, make it easy for you to categorize your CEUs by topic or provider. Additionally, the platform’s cloud-based nature allows you to access your CEU records anytime, anywhere.
Google Sheets
I’ve gone ahead and created a spreadsheet for you, that you can use to effectively track your CEUs from different ASHA-approved providers in an organized way.
This Google Sheet, includes columns for essential information such as the course title, provider, date completed, and number of CEUs earned.
My hope is that even if you don’t have much time you can still stay on top of your CEU tracking and requirements with ease using my simple to use spreadsheet.
FOR YOU: The Free SLP CEU Tracker is a must have to keep all these CEU hours organized and logged in one place. Grab it here!
I have always had a great time with CEU’s! I love that we are in a profession that is always up to date with evidence based practices, and I love the variety of topics that we can dive into! Cheers to being great SLPs!


Want even more CEUs?
Save $150 with the promo code: SPEECHTHERAPYSTORE
When you register today for Medbridge unlimited CEUs + Live Webinars.
Want More Free Speech Therapy Ideas and Materials?
Be sure to check out the following topics for more ideas!
Jo Grantham
Monday 19th of September 2022
Good morning. Thanks for this information. It is very helpful. On Friday, September 16, 2022, I began watching the webinar/video from Stephen Sacks - /r/ and s/s Remediation. I was unable to finish it Friday; therefore, I left it up on my computer to finish this morning (Monday, September 19, 2022). I am unable to open this site currently. Could you help me with this matter? Thanks so much. Jo Grantham
Jo Grantham
Tuesday 20th of September 2022
@Melissa Berg, Thanks. I had to shut down my computer and restart. Now the link is there. Have a great day. Jo
Melissa Berg
Monday 19th of September 2022
Hi Jo, I'm happy you like these resources! I just clicked on the link and it took me directly to the page. I would try again, or it also looks like they have an email address so reaching out to their customer support might be your next best step.